Name | ||||||||||||||
School | Casting Time | Source Book | ||||||||||||
Save - Res | Level | Comps | ||||||||||||
Dur | Range | Recharge | ||||||||||||
Effect | ||||||||||||||
Expensive Focus | ||||||||||||||
Expensive Material | ||||||||||||||
XP Cost | ||||||||||||||
Description | ||||||||||||||
Full Description | ||||||||||||||
Anger of the Noonday Sun | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 6, Drd 6, Shu 6 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Blinds creatures within 20 ft. |
Mass Awaken (XP) | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 8, Drd 8 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
As awaken, but multiple creatures. |
Beast Claws | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Drd 1 | ||||||||||||||
6 hours | ||||||||||||||
Your hands become slashing natural weapons. |
Beget Bogun (XP) | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Drd 1 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
You create a Tiny nature servant. |
Greater Bestow Curse | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 7, Clr 7, Dem 4, Destiny 7, Sor/Wiz 8 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
As bestow curse, but more severe penalties. |
Binding Winds | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 2, Drd 2, Weather 5 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Sound cannot penetrate to or from target and -2 on ranged attacks. |
Blast of Force | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Force 3, Sor/Wiz 2 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Ray deals 1d6 damage/2 caster levels (max 5d6). |
Blessed Aim | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Blk 1, Clr 1, Pal 1 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
+2 bonus for allies' ranged attacks. |
Blessing Of Bahamut | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 3, Pal 3 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
You gain damage reduction 10/magic. |
Greater Blink | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Brd 5, Celerity 8, Sor/Wiz 5 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
As blink, but you control the timing. |
Body Of The Sun | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 2, Drd 2, Sor/Wiz 2 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Your body emanates fire, dealing 1d4/2 levels (Max 5d4) damage. |
Bolt of Glory | ||||||||||||||
Evocation [Positive] [Good] | 1 standard action | SRD | ||||||||||||
None - Yes | Arc 6, Clr 6, Exalted Arcanist 6, Glory 6 | V, S, DF | ||||||||||||
Instant | Close | General | ||||||||||||
Effect: Ray | ||||||||||||||
Positive energy ray deals extra damage to evil outsiders and undead. |
You must succeed on a ranged touch attack with the ray to strike a target. A creature struck takes varying damage, depending on its nature or its home plane of existence and your level:
Bolts of Bedevilment | ||||||||||||||
Enchantment [Mind-Affecting] | 1 standard action | SRD | ||||||||||||
Will negates - Yes | Brd 5, Madness 5 | V, S | ||||||||||||
1 round/level | Medium | General | ||||||||||||
Effect: Ray | ||||||||||||||
This spell grants you the ability to make one ray attack per round. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack with the ray to strike a target. A living creature struck by the ray is dazed for 1d3 rounds if it fails its save. |
Bottle of Smoke (F) | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 3, Drd 3, Rgr 3 | ||||||||||||||
6 hours | ||||||||||||||
Uncorking bottle creates fast horse made of smoke. |
Brain Spider | ||||||||||||||
Divination [Mind-Affecting] | 1 round | SRD | ||||||||||||
Will negates - Yes | Arc 7, Clr 7, Mind 7 | V, S, M, DF | ||||||||||||
1 min./level | Long | 1 hour | ||||||||||||
Targets: Up to eight living creatures within range | ||||||||||||||
Listen to thoughts of up to eight other creatures. |
For the duration of the spell, as a standard action, you can eavesdrop on the thoughts of up to eight other creatures at once, hearing as desired:
Once per round, if you do not perform a detailed study of one creature's mind, you can attempt (as a standard action) to implant a suggestion in the mind of any one of the affected creatures. The creature can make another Will saving throw to resist the suggestion, using the save DC of the brain spider. (Creatures with special resistance to enchantment spells can use this resistance to keep from being affected by the suggestion.) Success on this saving throw does not negate the other effects of the brain spider for that creature. |
Brambles | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 2, Clr 2, Drd 2 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Wooden weapon grows spikes that deal +1 damage/caster level (max +10). |
Briar Web | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 2, Drd 2, Rgr 2 | ||||||||||||||
30 minutes | ||||||||||||||
Area slows creatures and thorns deal 1 point of damage/5 ft. moved. |
Brilliant Aura | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 8, Clr 8, Drd 8, Sor/Wiz 7 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Allies' weapons become brilliant energy, ignoring armor. |
Camouflage | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Drd 1, Hrp 1, Rgr 1, Wuj 1 | ||||||||||||||
1 hour | ||||||||||||||
Grants +10 bonus on Hide checks. |
Mass Camouflage | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 2, Drd 2, Rgr 2, Wuj 2 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
As camouflage, but affects all in range. |
Castigate | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 4, Clr 4, Pal 4, Purification 4 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Verbal rebuke damages those whose alignment differs from yours. |
Chain of Eyes | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 3, Clr 3, Drd 4, Sor/Wiz 2 | ||||||||||||||
6 hours | ||||||||||||||
You send magical sensor to infiltrate an area. |
Cloud-walkers | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 7, Drd 7, Weather 6 | ||||||||||||||
1 hour | ||||||||||||||
Targets can walk on clouds, flying at high altitudes. |
Cloudburst | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Drd 1 | ||||||||||||||
1 hour | ||||||||||||||
Rain obscures vision, extinguishes fires, and hampers missiles. |
Cometfall | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 6, Clr 6, Drd 6 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Comet falls atop foes, damaging them and knocking them prone. |
Contagious Touch | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 3, Blg 3, Drd 4 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
You infect one creature per round with chosen disease. |
Creeping Cold (F) | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 2, Drd 2 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Creature feels chill that increases with each round. |
Greater Creeping Cold (F) | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 4, Drd 4, Shu 4 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
As creeping cold, but longer duration and more damage. |
Crown Of Glory (M) | ||||||||||||||
Evocation | 1 round | SRD | ||||||||||||
Will negates - Yes | Glory 8, Herald 8 | V, S, M, DF | ||||||||||||
1 min./level | 120 ft. | General | ||||||||||||
Area: 120-ft.-radius emanation, centered on you | ||||||||||||||
Materials: An opal worth at least 200 gp. | ||||||||||||||
You gain +4 Charisma and enthrall those who hear you. |
You are imbued with an aura of celestial authority, inspiring awe in all lesser creatures that behold your terrible perfection and righteousness. You gain a +4 enhancement bonus to your Charisma score for the duration of the spell. All creatures with fewer than 8 HD or levels cease whatever they are doing and are compelled to pay attention to you. Any such creature that wants to take hostile action against you must make a successful Will save to do so. Any creature that does not make this saving throw the first time it attempts a hostile action is enthralled for the duration of the spell (as the enthrall spell), as long as it is in the spell's area, nor will it try to leave the area on its own. Creatures with 8 HD or more may pay attention to you, but are not affected by this spell. When you speak, all listeners telepathically understand you, even if they do not understand your language. While the spell lasts, you can make up to three suggestions to creatures of less than 8 HD in range, as if using the suggestion, mass spell (Will save negates): creatures with 8 HD or more aren't affected by this power. Only creatures within range at the time a suggestion is given are subject to it. |
Crumble | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 3, Drd 3 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
1d8/level (bypassing hardness) to manufactured object or stucture. |
Curse of Ill Fortune | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 2, Blk 2, Clr 2 | ||||||||||||||
30 minutes | ||||||||||||||
Subject suffers -3 penalty on attacks, saves, and checks. |
Curse of Lycanthropy (M) | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Pestilence 6 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Causes temporary lycanthropy in subject. |
Dance of the Unicorn | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 5, Drd 5, Purification 5 | ||||||||||||||
5 minutes | ||||||||||||||
Purifying mist washes the air clean of smoke, dust, and poisons. |
Death Pact (M) | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 8, Clr 8, Pact 8 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
-2 to Constitution, in exchange for effects of true resurrection. |
Decomposition | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Blg 1, Drd 2 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Wounds deal 3 extra point of damage each round. |
Deific Vengeance | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 2, Clr 2, Purification 2 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
God's punishment deals 1d6 damage/two caster levels (max 5d6). (1d6/level max 10d6 vs undead.) |
Detect Favored Enemy | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Rgr 1 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
You know if favored enemies are within 60 ft. |
Divine Agility | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 5, Clr 5 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Subject gains +10 to Dexterity for 1 round/level. |
Divine Sacrifice | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Blk 1, ChamGwyn 1, Pal 1 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
You sacrifice hit points to deal extra damage. |
Doomtide | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 5, Clr 5 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Black mist obscures vision, dazes creatures. |
Dragon Breath | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 5, Clr 5, Shu 5, Sor/Wiz 4 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
You choose a dragon type and mimic its breath weapon. |
Dream Sight | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Dream 6 | ||||||||||||||
30 minutes | ||||||||||||||
Your spirit can hear and see at distance for 1 min./level. |
Energy Vortex | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 3, Clr 3, Drd 3, Shu 5 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Burst of energy centered on you damages nearby creatures. |
Enveloping Cocoon (M) | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 6, Drd 6 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Entraps target creature and denies save for attached spell. |
Fire Wings (F) | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 3, Drd 3, Shu 3, Wuj 3 | ||||||||||||||
5 minutes | ||||||||||||||
Your arms become wings that enable flight, deal 2d6 fire damage. |
Fires of Purity | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 6, Drd 6, Purification 6, Shu 6, Sor/Wiz 6 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Target bursts into magical flame, becoming a dangerous weapon. |
Flame of Faith | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 3, Clr 3, Pal 2 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Gives weapon the flaming burst quality. |
Foebane | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 4, Rgr 4 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Enhances a weapon against a favored enemy, giving it +5 magic enhancement and +2d6 bonus damage. |
Forestfold | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 3, Drd 3, Rgr 3 | ||||||||||||||
6 hours | ||||||||||||||
You gain +20 on Hide and Move Silently in a designated terrain type. |
Golden Barding | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Blk 1, Pal 1 | ||||||||||||||
6 hours | ||||||||||||||
Your mount gets force armor. |
Hawkeye | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Drd 1, Rgr 1 | ||||||||||||||
1 hour | ||||||||||||||
You gain +5 on spot checks and fire ranged weapons better. |
Implacable Pursuer | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 4, Asn 4, Blk 4, Rgr 4 | ||||||||||||||
6 hours | ||||||||||||||
You know where prey is, as long as it's moving. |
Infestation of Maggots | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 3, Drd 3 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Maggotlike creatures deal 1d4 temporary Con damage every round |
Languor | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 4, Blg 4, Drd 4 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Ray slows target and diminishes its Strength. |
Last Breath (M) | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 4, Drd 4 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Returns to life a creature that has been dead no longer than 1 round. As raise dead, except to 0 hp. You take 1d4 damage/HD of creature. |
Maddening Scream | ||||||||||||||
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] | 1 standard action | SRD | ||||||||||||
None - Yes | Madness 8, Sor/Wiz 8 | V | ||||||||||||
1d4+1 rounds | Touch | General | ||||||||||||
Target: Living creature touched | ||||||||||||||
Subject has -4 AC, no shield, Reflex save on 20 only. |
This spell makes it impossible for the victim to do anything other than race about caterwauling. The creature must move its speed* each turn, unless somehow prevented, and can take no other action. The spell gives the subject a –4 penalty to Armor Class, its Reflex saving throws fail except on a roll of 20, and the subject cannot use a shield. |
Maelstrom | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 8, Blackwater 8, Drd 8, Ocean 8 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Waterspout sucks in and damages creatures. |
Mark of the Hunter | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 3, Rgr 3 | ||||||||||||||
5 minutes | ||||||||||||||
Rune on creature makes it easier to track and attack. |
Miasma | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 6, Blg 7, Drd 6 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Gas fills creature's mouth, suffocating it. |
Monstrous Thrall | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Domination 9 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
As true domination, but nearly permanent and affects any creature. |
Murderous Mist | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 4, Drd 4 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Cloud of steam deals 2d6 damage and causes blindness and inflicts 1d6/round thereafter. |
Nature's Avatar | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 9, Drd 9 | ||||||||||||||
30 minutes | ||||||||||||||
Animal gains +10 on attack and damage, extra attack, and 1d8 hp/caster level. |
Nature's Favor | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 2, Drd 2, Rgr 2 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Target animal gains +1/3 caster levels (max +5) luck bonus on attack and damage rolls. |
Naturewatch | ||||||||||||||
Magic of Faerun | ||||||||||||||
Arc 0, Drd 0, Hth 0, Rgr 1 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
As deathwatch, but only for animals and plants. |
Nimbus of Light | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Clr 1, Purification 1 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Sunlight illuminates you until released as an attack for 1d8+1/level damage. |
Obedient Avalanche | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Cold 9 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Snowy avalanche crushes and buries your foes. |
Omen of Peril (F) | ||||||||||||||
RoD | ||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Clr 1, Destiny 1, Drd 1, Liberation 1 | ||||||||||||||
6 hours | ||||||||||||||
You know how dangerous the future will be. |
Otyugh Swarm | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Pestilence 9 | ||||||||||||||
24 hours | ||||||||||||||
Creates 4d4 otyughs or 1d3+1 Huge otyughs. |
Pavilion of Grandeur | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Creation 9 | ||||||||||||||
24 hours | ||||||||||||||
A feast and a great pavilion are created. |
Phantasmal Decoy | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 3, Rgr 3 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Creates illusory enemy for foe to chase. |
Phantasmal Disorientation | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 6, Drd 6 | ||||||||||||||
1 hour | ||||||||||||||
Fools creature's sense of direction, making movement difficult. |
Phantom Bear | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 9, Drd 9 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
As phantom wolf, except you instead conjure an incorporeal bear with a fearsome roar. |
Phantom Stag | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 5, Drd 5 | ||||||||||||||
6 hours | ||||||||||||||
Magic stag appears for 1 hour/level. |
Phantom Wolf | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 8, Drd 8 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Incorporeal wolf fights for you. |
Plague of Rats | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Pestilence 5 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Summon horde of diseased rats. |
Poison Thorns | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 5, Drd 5 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
You grow thorns that poison your attackers. |
Poison Vines | ||||||||||||||
Magic of Faerun | ||||||||||||||
Arc 7, Drd 7 | ||||||||||||||
1 hour | ||||||||||||||
Vines that entangle and are poisonous. |
Probe Thoughts | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Mind 6, Sor/Wiz 6 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Read subject's memories, one question/round. |
Quill Blast | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 5, Drd 5 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
You fling quills in spread, dealing 1d6 damage and imposing penalties. |
Recitation | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 4, Clr 4, Purification 3 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Give a +2 luck bonus to allies and a -2 luck penalty to foes. |
Rejuvenation Cocoon | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 5, Drd 5 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Energy cocoon shields creature, then heals it. |
Renewal Pact (XP) | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 7, Clr 7, Pact 7 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Creature is automatically healed if adverse condition affects it. |
Resurgence | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Blk 1, Clr 1, Pal 1 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
You grant subject a second chance at a saving throw. |
Mass Resurgence | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 3, Blk 3, Clr 3, Clr 4, Pal 3 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
As resurgence, but multiple targets. |
Revenance | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 4, Blk 4, Clr 4, Pal 4 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Slain ally is restored to life for 1 minute/level. |
Righteous Wrath of the Faithful | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 7, Clr 7, Purification 7 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Your allies get bonuses, especially if they worship your deity. |
Sacred Haven | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 4, Pal 4 | ||||||||||||||
5 minutes | ||||||||||||||
Creature gains AC bonus, and you can monitor and heal it magically. |
Sandblast | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Drd 1 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
You fire hot sand that deals 1d6 nonlethal damage, stuns enemies. |
Scent | ||||||||||||||
Magic of Faerun | ||||||||||||||
Arc 2, Drd 2, Rgr 2, Sor/Wiz 2 | ||||||||||||||
6 hours | ||||||||||||||
Grants the scent ability for 1 hour/level. |
Scourge (F) | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Pestilence 7 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Inflicts a disease that must be magically cured, one subject/level. |
Shadow Landscape | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 9, Drd 9 | ||||||||||||||
24 hours | ||||||||||||||
Makes natural terrain more dangerous, creates guardians that you command. |
Slime Wave | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 7, Clr 7, Drd 7 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Creates 15-ft. spread of green slime. |
Mass Spell Resistance | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 7, Clr 7 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
As spell resistance, but multiple targets. |
Spikes | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 3, Clr 3, Drd 3 | ||||||||||||||
6 hours | ||||||||||||||
As brambles, except that the affected weapon gains a +2 enhancement bonus on its attacks, and its threat range is doubled. |
Spiritual Chariot | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 4, Blk 4, Pal 4 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Creates ghostly chariot behind your mount. |
Stalwart Pact (XP) | ||||||||||||||
RoD | ||||||||||||||
Arc 5, Clr 5, Destiny 5, Pact 5 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
You gain combat bonuses automatically when reduced to half hit points or lower. |
Standing Wave | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 3, Drd 3 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Magically propels boat or swimming creature. |
Storm of Elemental Fury | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 8, Drd 8 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Magic cloud creates win-storm, then hail of stones, then rainstorm, then flame. |
Storm Tower | ||||||||||||||
Magic of Faerun | ||||||||||||||
Arc 7, Drd 7 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Tower of swirling clouds absorbs electricity, gives concealment, and prevents movement. |
Stormrage | ||||||||||||||
Magic of Faerun | ||||||||||||||
Arc 8, Clr 8 | ||||||||||||||
5 minutes | ||||||||||||||
Fly, wind wall, protection from strong winds, and make electrical attacks. |
Subvert Planar Essence (M) | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 5, Clr 5, Sor/Wiz 6 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Reduces target's DR and SR. |
Lesser Telepathic Bond | ||||||||||||||
Divination [Mind-Affecting] | 1 standard action | SRD | ||||||||||||
None - No | Arc 3, Clr 3, Mind 3, Sor/Wiz 3 | V, S | ||||||||||||
10 min./level | 30 ft. | 1 hour | ||||||||||||
Targets: You and one willing creature within 30 ft. | ||||||||||||||
As telepathic bond, but you and one other creature. |
You forge a telepathic bond with another creature with an Intelligence score of 6 or higher. The bond can be established only with a willing subject. You can communicate telepathically through the bond regardless of language. No special power or influence is established as a result of the bond. Once the bond is formed, it works over any distance (although not from one plane to another).
Tidal Surge | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 6, Drd 6, Ocean 5 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Wave of water deals 1d8/two levels damage and bull rushes. |
Tortoise (AC) Shell | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 6, Drd 6 | ||||||||||||||
1 hour | ||||||||||||||
Creature gains +6 natural armor, +1/three levels above 11th. |
Touch of Madness | ||||||||||||||
Enchantment [Mind-Affecting] | 1 standard action | SRD | ||||||||||||
Will negates - Yes | Madness 2 | V, S | ||||||||||||
1 round/level | Touch | General | ||||||||||||
Target: Creature touched | ||||||||||||||
Dazes one creature for 1 round/level. |
You may daze one living creature by making a successful touch attack. If the target creature does not make a successful Will save, its mind is clouded and it takes no action for 1 round per caster level. A dazed creature is not stunned (so attackers get no special advantage against it), but it can't move, cast spells, use mental abilities, and so on.
Traveler's Mount | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Blk 1, Drd 1, Pal 1, Rgr 1 | ||||||||||||||
6 hours | ||||||||||||||
Creature moves faster but can't attack. |
True Creation (XP) | ||||||||||||||
Conjuration (Creation) | 10 minutes | SRD | ||||||||||||
None - No | Artifice 8, Creation 8 | V, S, XP | ||||||||||||
Instant | 0 ft. | General | ||||||||||||
Effect: Unattended, nonmagical object of nonliving matter, up to 1 cu. ft./level | ||||||||||||||
XP Cost: The item's gold piece value in XP, or a minimum of 1 XP, whichever is more. | ||||||||||||||
Create nonmagical, unattended object of any sort of matter. |
The caster creates a nonmagical, unattended object of any sort of matter. Items created are permanent and cannot be negated by dispelling magics or negating powers. For all intents and purposes, these items are completely real. The volume of the item created cannot exceed 1 cubic foot per caster level. The caster must succeed at an appropriate skill check to make a complex item. Unlike the items brought into being by the lower-level spells minor creation and major creation, objects created by the casting of true creation can be used as material components. |
True Domination | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Domination 8 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
As dominate person. but save at -4. |
Unbinding | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Liberation 9, Sor/Wiz 9 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Frees everyone in range from spells that constrain or bind. |
Unyielding Roots | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 9, Drd 9 | ||||||||||||||
30 minutes | ||||||||||||||
Creature grows roots that keep it stationary and heal it every round. |
Vigor | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 3, Clr 3, Drd 3 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
As vigor, lesser, but grants fast healing 2. |
Greater Vigor | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 5, Clr 5, Drd 5 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
As vigor, lesser, but grants fast healing 4 instead. |
Lesser Vigor | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Clr 1, Drd 1, SaveLife 1 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Creature heals 1 hp/round (max 15 rounds). |
Mass Lesser Vigor | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 3, Clr 3, Drd 3 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Subjects gain fast healing 1. |
Vigorous Circle | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 6, Clr 6, Drd 6 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
As vigor, mass lesser, but grants fast healing 3. |
Visage of The Deity | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
APeace 6, Arc 6, Clr 6, Exalted Arcanist 6, Herald 7, Mysticism 6 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
As visage of the deity, lesser, but you become celestial or fiendish. |
Greater Visage of the Deity | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
APeace 9, Arc 9, Clr 9, Competition 9, Exalted Arcanist 9, Herald 9, Mysticism 9, Purification 9 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
As visage of the deity, lesser , except that you become half-celestial or half-fiend. |
Lesser Visage of the Deity | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
APeace 4, Arc 3, Blk 4, Clr 3, KotC 4, Mysticism 3, Pal 4 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
You gain +4 Charisma and resistance 10 to certain energy types. |
Waterspout | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 7, Drd 7, Ocean 7 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Creates waterspout that moves, damages creatures, sucks creatures upward. |
Wave of Grief | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 2, Blk 2, Brd 2, Clr 2 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Cone imposes -3 penalty on attacks, checks, and saves. |
Weapon of the Deity | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 4, Blk 4, Clr 4, Mysticism 4, Pal 4 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Gives your weapon magical powers appropriate to your patron. |
Weather Eye | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 3, Drd 3 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
You accurately predict weather up to one week ahead. |
Greater Whirlwind | ||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||
Arc 9, Drd 9, Weather 9 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
As whirlwind, but larger and more destructive. |
Winged Mount | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 4, Blk 4, Pal 4 | ||||||||||||||
1 hour | ||||||||||||||
Wood Wose | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Drd 1 | ||||||||||||||
1 hour | ||||||||||||||
Nature spirit does simple tasks for you. |
Wrack | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 4, Clr 4, MH 4, Pain 4, Sor/Wiz 5 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
Renders creature helpless with pain. |
Zeal | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 2, Blk 2, Competition 2, Pal 2 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
You move through foes to attack the enemy you want. |
Zealot Pact (XP) | ||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||
Arc 6, Clr 6, Competition 6, Pact 6 | ||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||
You automatically gain combat bonuses when you attack someone of opposite alignment. |