Index of Spells by Level - Shu 5

School Casting Time Source Book
Save - Res Level Comps
Dur Range Recharge
Atonement (F) (XP)
Abjuration 1 hour SRD
None - Yes APeace 5, Arc 5, Clr 5, Drd 5, EmBarachiel 4, Hlr 5, Renewal 5, Shu 5 V, S, M, F, DF, XP
Instant Touch General

Removes burden of misdeeds from subject.

Bewildering Mischance
  Adp 5, Clr 5, Shu 5  

Target must take the lower of two rolls for each save, attack roll, and skill check.

Commune with Nature
Divination 10 minutes SRD
- Animal 5, Arc 4, BVal 4, Drd 5, Elf 5, Rgr 4, Seafolk 5, Shu 5 V, S
Instant Personal 6 hours

Learn about terrain for 1 mile/level.

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] 1 standard action SRD
Will negates - Yes Arc 5, Beguiler 4, Brd 3, HB 3, Madness 4, Passion 3, Shu 5, Sor/Wiz 4, Trickery 4, Wuj 4 V, S, M/DF
1 round/level Medium General

For 1 round/level, subject will attack caster 10%, act normally 10%, babble 30%, flee 20%, attack nearest creature 30%.

Control Winds
Transmutation [Air] 1 standard action SRD
Fortitude negates - No Air 5, Arc 5, Drd 5, Shu 5, Sky 5 V, S
10 min./level 40 ft./level 4 hours

Change wind direction and speed.

Mass Cure Light Wounds
Conjuration (Healing) [Positive] 1 standard action SRD
Will half (harmless) or Will half; see text - Yes (harmless) or Yes; see text APeace 5, Arc 5, Brd 5, Clr 5, Drd 6, Healing 5, Hlr 4, Shu 5 V, S
Instant Close General

Cures 1d8 damage +1/level for many creatures.

Dimension Door
Conjuration (Teleportation) 1 standard action SRD
None and Will negates (object) - No and Yes (object) Arc 5, Asn 4, Brd 4, Duskblade 4, HB 4, Hoard 4, Portal 4, Portal (alt) 4, Shu 5, Slayer of Domiel 4, Sor/Wiz 4, Travel 4, Wuj 4 V
Instant Long General

Teleports you short distance.

Dragon Breath
  Arc 5, Clr 5, Shu 5, Sor/Wiz 4  

You choose a dragon type and mimic its breath weapon.

Energy Vortex
  Arc 3, Clr 3, Drd 3, Shu 5  

Burst of energy centered on you damages nearby creatures.

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] 1 standard action SRD
Will negates; see text - Yes Arc 5, Beguiler 5, Corruption 5, Shu 5, Sor/Wiz 5, Wuj 5 V, S, M
Instant Medium General

Subjects Int and Cha drop to 1.

Flame Strike
Evocation [Fire] 1 standard action SRD
Reflex half - Yes Arc 5, Blg 4, Clr 5, Drd 4, Shu 5, Sun 5, War 5, Wmg 5 V, S, DF
Instant Medium General

Smite foes with divine fire (1d6/level damage).

Greater Invisibility
Illusion (Glamer) 1 standard action SRD
Will negates (harmless) - Yes (harmless) or Yes (harmless, object) Arc 5, Asn 4, Beguiler 4, Brd 4, HB 4, Shu 5, Slayer of Domiel 4, Sor/Wiz 4, Wuj 4 V, S
1 round/level (D) Personal or touch General

As invisibility, but subject can attack and stay invisible.

Mirage Arcana
Illusion (Glamer) 1 standard action SRD
Will disbelief (if interacted with) - No Arc 5, Brd 5, Shu 5, Sor/Wiz 5 V, S
Concentration + 1 hour/level (D) Long General

As hallucinatory terrain, plus structures.

Transmutation 1 standard action SRD
None - No Arc 5, Cavern 5, Shu 5, Sor/Wiz 5, Wuj 5 V, S, M
1 hour/level (D) Touch 6 hours

Creates passage through wood or stone wall.

Persistent Image
Illusion (Figment) 1 standard action SRD
Will disbelief (if interacted with) - No Arc 5, Brd 5, Illusion 5, Shu 5, Sor/Wiz 5, Wuj 5 V, S, M
1 min./level (D) Long 30 minutes

As major image, but no concentration required.

Righteous Might
Transmutation 1 standard action SRD
- Arc 5, Clr 5, Competition 5, Hatred 5, Mysticism 5, Shu 5, Sin-W 5, Strength 5, Wrath 5 V, S, DF
1 round/level (D) Personal 5 minutes

Your size increases, and you gain combat bonuses.

Scrying (F)
Divination (Scrying) 1 hour SRD
Will negates - Yes APeace 5, Arc 5, Brd 3, Clr 5, Drd 4, EmBarachiel 3, HB 4, MH 3, Oracle 4, Shu 5, Sin-L 5, Sor/Wiz 4, Wuj 4 V, S, F, M/DF
1 min./level See text General

Spies on subject from a distance.

Spell Resistance
Abjuration 1 standard action SRD
Will negates (harmless) - Yes (harmless) APeace 5, Arc 5, Clr 5, Magic 5, Meditation 5, Protection 5, Shu 5 V, S, DF
1 min./level Touch 30 minutes

Subject gains SR 12 + level.

Summon Nature's Ally V
Conjuration (Summoning) 1 round SRD
None - No Arc 5, Drd 5, Shu 5 V, S, DF
1 round/level (D) Close General

Calls creature to fight.

Wall of Ice
Evocation [Cold] 1 standard action SRD
Reflex negates; see text - Yes Arc 5, Cold 5, Ocean 5, Shu 5, Sor/Wiz 4, Wuj 4 V, S, M/DF
1 min./level Medium General

Ice plane creates wall with 15 hp +1/level, or hemisphere can trap creatures inside.

Wall of Iron (M)
Conjuration (Creation) 1 standard action SRD
See text - No Arc 5, Artificer 6, Metal 5, Shu 5, Sor/Wiz 6, Wuj 6 V, S, M
Instant Medium 12 hours

30 hp/four levels; can topple onto foes.

Wall of Stone
Conjuration (Creation) [Earth] 1 standard action SRD
See text - No Adp 5, APeace 5, Arc 5, Artificer 5, Clr 5, Craft 5, Drd 6, Earth 5, Shu 5, Sor/Wiz 5, Wuj 5 V, S, M/DF
Instant Medium 12 hours

Creates a stone wall that can be shaped.