
Power Points10
Contacts Other PokemonNo
Contest TypeBeauty
Red Machine
Gold Machine
Ruby MachineTM07
BattleSummons a hailstorm that lasts for 5 turns. During each turn, it damages all Pokemon that are not Ice-type.
ContestJams all Pokemon who appealed before you. (Beauty, Appeal=1pt, Jam=3pts)
Squirtle Water M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Kangaskhan M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Learns From:
Mudkip M
Marshtomp M
Swampert M
Lotad M
Lombre M
Ludicolo M
Wingull M
Pelipper M
Marill M
Azumarill M
Corphish M
Crawdaunt M
Feebas M
Milotic M
Psyduck M
Golduck M
Spheal 31
Sealeo 31 P
Walrein 31 P
Clamperl M
Huntail M
Gorebyss M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Seadra M
Kingdra M
Wartortle M
Blastoise M
Poliwag M
Poliwhirl M
Poliwrath M
Slowpoke M
Slowbro M
Seel M
Dewgong M
Kangaskhan M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Omastar M
Kabuto M
Kabutops M
Dratini M
Dragonair M
Dragonite M
Totodile M
Croconaw M
Feraligatr M
Politoed M
Wooper M
Quagsire M
Slowking M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Wartortle Water M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Kangaskhan M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Blastoise Water M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Kangaskhan M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Caterpie Bug M
Learns From:
Metapod M
Butterfree P
Metapod Bug M
Teaches To:
Caterpie M
Butterfree Bug Flying PM
Teaches To:
Caterpie M
Psyduck Water M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Wailmer M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Absol M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Sneasel M
Swinub M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Learns From:
Mudkip M
Marshtomp M
Swampert M
Lotad M
Lombre M
Ludicolo M
Wingull M
Pelipper M
Marill M
Azumarill M
Wailmer M
Wailord M
Corphish M
Crawdaunt M
Feebas M
Milotic M
Absol M
Golduck M
Spheal 31
Sealeo 31 P
Walrein 31 P
Clamperl M
Huntail M
Gorebyss M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Seadra M
Kingdra M
Squirtle M
Wartortle M
Blastoise M
Poliwag M
Poliwhirl M
Poliwrath M
Slowpoke M
Slowbro M
Seel M
Dewgong M
Lapras M
Vaporeon M
Omanyte M
Omastar M
Kabuto M
Kabutops M
Dratini M
Dragonair M
Dragonite M
Totodile M
Croconaw M
Feraligatr M
Politoed M
Wooper M
Quagsire M
Slowking M
Sneasel M
Swinub M
Piloswine M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Golduck Water M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Wailmer M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Absol M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Sneasel M
Swinub M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Poliwag Water M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Learns From:
Mudkip M
Marshtomp M
Swampert M
Lotad M
Lombre M
Ludicolo M
Wingull M
Pelipper M
Marill M
Azumarill M
Corphish M
Crawdaunt M
Feebas M
Milotic M
Psyduck M
Golduck M
Spheal 31
Sealeo 31 P
Walrein 31 P
Clamperl M
Huntail M
Gorebyss M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Seadra M
Kingdra M
Squirtle M
Wartortle M
Blastoise M
Poliwhirl M
Poliwrath M
Slowpoke M
Slowbro M
Seel M
Dewgong M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Omastar M
Kabuto M
Kabutops M
Dratini M
Dragonair M
Dragonite M
Totodile M
Croconaw M
Feraligatr M
Politoed M
Wooper M
Quagsire M
Slowking M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Poliwhirl Water M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Poliwrath Water Fighting M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Tentacool Water Poison M
Teaches To:
Corphish M
Corsola M
Shellder M
Krabby M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Learns From:
Tentacruel M
Corphish M
Crawdaunt M
Staryu M
Starmie M
Corsola M
Shellder M
Cloyster M
Krabby M
Kingler M
Omanyte M
Omastar M
Kabuto M
Kabutops M
Tentacruel Water Poison M
Teaches To:
Tentacool M
Corphish M
Corsola M
Shellder M
Krabby M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Slowpoke Water Psychic M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Seel M
Kangaskhan M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Learns From:
Mudkip M
Marshtomp M
Swampert M
Lotad M
Lombre M
Ludicolo M
Wingull M
Pelipper M
Marill M
Azumarill M
Corphish M
Crawdaunt M
Feebas M
Milotic M
Psyduck M
Golduck M
Spheal 31
Sealeo 31 P
Walrein 31 P
Clamperl M
Huntail M
Gorebyss M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Seadra M
Kingdra M
Squirtle M
Wartortle M
Blastoise M
Poliwag M
Poliwhirl M
Poliwrath M
Slowbro M
Seel M
Dewgong M
Kangaskhan M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Omastar M
Kabuto M
Kabutops M
Dratini M
Dragonair M
Dragonite M
Totodile M
Croconaw M
Feraligatr M
Politoed M
Wooper M
Quagsire M
Slowking M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Slowbro Water Psychic M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Kangaskhan M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Seel Water M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Wailmer M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Absol M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Sneasel M
Swinub M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Learns From:
Mudkip M
Marshtomp M
Swampert M
Lotad M
Lombre M
Ludicolo M
Wingull M
Pelipper M
Marill M
Azumarill M
Wailmer M
Wailord M
Corphish M
Crawdaunt M
Feebas M
Milotic M
Absol M
Psyduck M
Golduck M
Spheal 31
Sealeo 31 P
Walrein 31 P
Clamperl M
Huntail M
Gorebyss M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Seadra M
Kingdra M
Squirtle M
Wartortle M
Blastoise M
Poliwag M
Poliwhirl M
Poliwrath M
Slowpoke M
Slowbro M
Dewgong M
Lapras M
Vaporeon M
Omanyte M
Omastar M
Kabuto M
Kabutops M
Dratini M
Dragonair M
Dragonite M
Totodile M
Croconaw M
Feraligatr M
Politoed M
Wooper M
Quagsire M
Slowking M
Sneasel M
Swinub M
Piloswine M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Dewgong Water Ice M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Wailmer M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Absol M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Sneasel M
Swinub M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Shellder Water M
Teaches To:
Tentacool M
Corphish M
Corsola M
Krabby M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Learns From:
Tentacool M
Tentacruel M
Corphish M
Crawdaunt M
Staryu M
Starmie M
Corsola M
Cloyster M
Krabby M
Kingler M
Omanyte M
Omastar M
Kabuto M
Kabutops M
Cloyster Water Ice M
Teaches To:
Tentacool M
Corphish M
Corsola M
Shellder M
Krabby M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Krabby Water M
Teaches To:
Tentacool M
Corphish M
Corsola M
Shellder M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Learns From:
Tentacool M
Tentacruel M
Corphish M
Crawdaunt M
Staryu M
Starmie M
Corsola M
Shellder M
Cloyster M
Kingler M
Omanyte M
Omastar M
Kabuto M
Kabutops M
Kingler Water M
Teaches To:
Tentacool M
Corphish M
Corsola M
Shellder M
Krabby M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Chansey Normal M
Teaches To:
Marill M
Castform 20
Snorunt 37
Learns From:
Marill M
Azumarill M
Castform 20
Snorunt 37
Glalie 42 P
Blissey M
Kangaskhan Normal M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Squirtle M
Slowpoke M
Lapras M
Totodile M
Learns From:
Mudkip M
Marshtomp M
Swampert M
Squirtle M
Wartortle M
Blastoise M
Slowpoke M
Slowbro M
Lapras M
Totodile M
Croconaw M
Feraligatr M
Slowking M
Horsea Water M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Learns From:
Mudkip M
Marshtomp M
Swampert M
Lotad M
Lombre M
Ludicolo M
Wingull M
Pelipper M
Gyarados M
Marill M
Azumarill M
Corphish M
Crawdaunt M
Feebas M
Milotic M
Psyduck M
Golduck M
Spheal 31
Sealeo 31 P
Walrein 31 P
Clamperl M
Huntail M
Gorebyss M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Seadra M
Kingdra M
Squirtle M
Wartortle M
Blastoise M
Poliwag M
Poliwhirl M
Poliwrath M
Slowpoke M
Slowbro M
Seel M
Dewgong M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Omastar M
Kabuto M
Kabutops M
Dratini M
Dragonair M
Dragonite M
Totodile M
Croconaw M
Feraligatr M
Politoed M
Wooper M
Quagsire M
Slowking M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Seadra Water M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Goldeen Water M
Teaches To:
Carvanha M
Wailmer M
Barboach M
Relicanth M
Chinchou M
Luvdisc M
Qwilfish M
Learns From:
Seaking M
Gyarados M
Carvanha M
Sharpedo M
Wailmer M
Wailord M
Barboach M
Whiscash M
Relicanth M
Chinchou M
Lanturn M
Luvdisc M
Qwilfish M
Seaking Water M
Teaches To:
Goldeen M
Carvanha M
Wailmer M
Barboach M
Relicanth M
Chinchou M
Luvdisc M
Qwilfish M
Staryu Water M
Teaches To:
Tentacool M
Corphish M
Corsola M
Shellder M
Krabby M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Starmie Water Psychic M
Teaches To:
Tentacool M
Corphish M
Corsola M
Shellder M
Krabby M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Jynx Ice Psychic M
Gyarados Water Flying M
Teaches To:
Goldeen M
Carvanha M
Wailmer M
Barboach M
Feebas M
Relicanth M
Chinchou M
Luvdisc M
Horsea M
Dratini M
Qwilfish M
Lapras Water Ice M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Kangaskhan M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Learns From:
Mudkip M
Marshtomp M
Swampert M
Lotad M
Lombre M
Ludicolo M
Wingull M
Pelipper M
Marill M
Azumarill M
Corphish M
Crawdaunt M
Feebas M
Milotic M
Psyduck M
Golduck M
Spheal 31
Sealeo 31 P
Walrein 31 P
Clamperl M
Huntail M
Gorebyss M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Seadra M
Kingdra M
Squirtle M
Wartortle M
Blastoise M
Poliwag M
Poliwhirl M
Poliwrath M
Slowpoke M
Slowbro M
Seel M
Dewgong M
Kangaskhan M
Omanyte M
Omastar M
Kabuto M
Kabutops M
Dratini M
Dragonair M
Dragonite M
Totodile M
Croconaw M
Feraligatr M
Politoed M
Wooper M
Quagsire M
Slowking M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Ditto Normal M
Vaporeon Water M
Teaches To:
Wailmer M
Absol M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Seel M
Wooper M
Sneasel M
Swinub M
Delibird M
Omanyte Rock Water M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Tentacool M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Shellder M
Krabby M
Lapras M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Learns From:
Mudkip M
Marshtomp M
Swampert M
Lotad M
Lombre M
Ludicolo M
Wingull M
Pelipper M
Marill M
Azumarill M
Tentacool M
Tentacruel M
Corphish M
Crawdaunt M
Feebas M
Milotic M
Staryu M
Starmie M
Psyduck M
Golduck M
Spheal 31
Sealeo 31 P
Walrein 31 P
Clamperl M
Huntail M
Gorebyss M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Seadra M
Kingdra M
Squirtle M
Wartortle M
Blastoise M
Poliwag M
Poliwhirl M
Poliwrath M
Slowpoke M
Slowbro M
Seel M
Dewgong M
Shellder M
Cloyster M
Krabby M
Kingler M
Lapras M
Omastar M
Kabuto M
Kabutops M
Dratini M
Dragonair M
Dragonite M
Totodile M
Croconaw M
Feraligatr M
Politoed M
Wooper M
Quagsire M
Slowking M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Omastar Rock Water M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Tentacool M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Shellder M
Krabby M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Kabuto Rock Water M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Tentacool M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Shellder M
Krabby M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Learns From:
Mudkip M
Marshtomp M
Swampert M
Lotad M
Lombre M
Ludicolo M
Wingull M
Pelipper M
Marill M
Azumarill M
Tentacool M
Tentacruel M
Corphish M
Crawdaunt M
Feebas M
Milotic M
Staryu M
Starmie M
Psyduck M
Golduck M
Spheal 31
Sealeo 31 P
Walrein 31 P
Clamperl M
Huntail M
Gorebyss M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Seadra M
Kingdra M
Squirtle M
Wartortle M
Blastoise M
Poliwag M
Poliwhirl M
Poliwrath M
Slowpoke M
Slowbro M
Seel M
Dewgong M
Shellder M
Cloyster M
Krabby M
Kingler M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Omastar M
Kabutops M
Dratini M
Dragonair M
Dragonite M
Totodile M
Croconaw M
Feraligatr M
Politoed M
Wooper M
Quagsire M
Slowking M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Kabutops Rock Water M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Tentacool M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Shellder M
Krabby M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Articuno Ice Flying M
Dratini Dragon M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Learns From:
Mudkip M
Marshtomp M
Swampert M
Lotad M
Lombre M
Ludicolo M
Wingull M
Pelipper M
Gyarados M
Marill M
Azumarill M
Corphish M
Crawdaunt M
Feebas M
Milotic M
Psyduck M
Golduck M
Spheal 31
Sealeo 31 P
Walrein 31 P
Clamperl M
Huntail M
Gorebyss M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Seadra M
Kingdra M
Squirtle M
Wartortle M
Blastoise M
Poliwag M
Poliwhirl M
Poliwrath M
Slowpoke M
Slowbro M
Seel M
Dewgong M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Omastar M
Kabuto M
Kabutops M
Dragonair M
Dragonite M
Totodile M
Croconaw M
Feraligatr M
Politoed M
Wooper M
Quagsire M
Slowking M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Dragonair Dragon M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Dragonite Dragon Flying M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Mewtwo Psychic M
Mew Psychic M
Totodile Water M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Kangaskhan M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Learns From:
Mudkip M
Marshtomp M
Swampert M
Lotad M
Lombre M
Ludicolo M
Wingull M
Pelipper M
Marill M
Azumarill M
Corphish M
Crawdaunt M
Feebas M
Milotic M
Psyduck M
Golduck M
Spheal 31
Sealeo 31 P
Walrein 31 P
Clamperl M
Huntail M
Gorebyss M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Seadra M
Kingdra M
Squirtle M
Wartortle M
Blastoise M
Poliwag M
Poliwhirl M
Poliwrath M
Slowpoke M
Slowbro M
Seel M
Dewgong M
Kangaskhan M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Omastar M
Kabuto M
Kabutops M
Dratini M
Dragonair M
Dragonite M
Croconaw M
Feraligatr M
Politoed M
Wooper M
Quagsire M
Slowking M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Croconaw Water M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Kangaskhan M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Feraligatr Water M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Kangaskhan M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Chinchou Water Electric M
Teaches To:
Goldeen M
Carvanha M
Wailmer M
Barboach M
Relicanth M
Luvdisc M
Qwilfish M
Learns From:
Goldeen M
Seaking M
Gyarados M
Carvanha M
Sharpedo M
Wailmer M
Wailord M
Barboach M
Whiscash M
Relicanth M
Lanturn M
Luvdisc M
Qwilfish M
Lanturn Water Electric M
Teaches To:
Goldeen M
Carvanha M
Wailmer M
Barboach M
Relicanth M
Chinchou M
Luvdisc M
Qwilfish M
Marill Water M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Castform 20
Psyduck M
Snorunt 37
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Chansey M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Learns From:
Mudkip M
Marshtomp M
Swampert M
Lotad M
Lombre M
Ludicolo M
Wingull M
Pelipper M
Azumarill M
Corphish M
Crawdaunt M
Feebas M
Milotic M
Castform 20
Psyduck M
Golduck M
Snorunt 37
Glalie 42 P
Spheal 31
Sealeo 31 P
Walrein 31 P
Clamperl M
Huntail M
Gorebyss M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Seadra M
Kingdra M
Squirtle M
Wartortle M
Blastoise M
Poliwag M
Poliwhirl M
Poliwrath M
Slowpoke M
Slowbro M
Seel M
Dewgong M
Chansey M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Omastar M
Kabuto M
Kabutops M
Dratini M
Dragonair M
Dragonite M
Totodile M
Croconaw M
Feraligatr M
Politoed M
Wooper M
Quagsire M
Slowking M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Blissey M
Azumarill Water M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Castform 20
Psyduck M
Snorunt 37
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Chansey M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Politoed Water M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Wooper Water Ground M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Wailmer M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Absol M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Sneasel M
Swinub M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Learns From:
Mudkip M
Marshtomp M
Swampert M
Lotad M
Lombre M
Ludicolo M
Wingull M
Pelipper M
Marill M
Azumarill M
Wailmer M
Wailord M
Corphish M
Crawdaunt M
Feebas M
Milotic M
Absol M
Psyduck M
Golduck M
Spheal 31
Sealeo 31 P
Walrein 31 P
Clamperl M
Huntail M
Gorebyss M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Seadra M
Kingdra M
Squirtle M
Wartortle M
Blastoise M
Poliwag M
Poliwhirl M
Poliwrath M
Slowpoke M
Slowbro M
Seel M
Dewgong M
Lapras M
Vaporeon M
Omanyte M
Omastar M
Kabuto M
Kabutops M
Dratini M
Dragonair M
Dragonite M
Totodile M
Croconaw M
Feraligatr M
Politoed M
Quagsire M
Slowking M
Sneasel M
Swinub M
Piloswine M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Quagsire Water Ground M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Wailmer M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Absol M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Sneasel M
Swinub M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Slowking Water Psychic M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Kangaskhan M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Qwilfish Water Poison M
Teaches To:
Goldeen M
Carvanha M
Wailmer M
Barboach M
Relicanth M
Chinchou M
Luvdisc M
Learns From:
Goldeen M
Seaking M
Gyarados M
Carvanha M
Sharpedo M
Wailmer M
Wailord M
Barboach M
Whiscash M
Relicanth M
Chinchou M
Lanturn M
Luvdisc M
Sneasel Dark Ice M
Teaches To:
Wailmer M
Absol M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Seel M
Wooper M
Swinub M
Delibird M
Learns From:
Wailmer M
Wailord M
Absol M
Psyduck M
Golduck M
Spheal 31
Sealeo 31 P
Walrein 31 P
Seel M
Dewgong M
Vaporeon M
Wooper M
Quagsire M
Swinub M
Piloswine M
Delibird M
Swinub Ice Ground M
Teaches To:
Wailmer M
Absol M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Seel M
Wooper M
Sneasel M
Delibird M
Learns From:
Wailmer M
Wailord M
Absol M
Psyduck M
Golduck M
Spheal 31
Sealeo 31 P
Walrein 31 P
Seel M
Dewgong M
Vaporeon M
Wooper M
Quagsire M
Sneasel M
Piloswine M
Delibird M
Piloswine Ice Ground M
Teaches To:
Wailmer M
Absol M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Seel M
Wooper M
Sneasel M
Swinub M
Delibird M
Corsola Water Rock M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Tentacool M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Shellder M
Krabby M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Learns From:
Mudkip M
Marshtomp M
Swampert M
Lotad M
Lombre M
Ludicolo M
Wingull M
Pelipper M
Marill M
Azumarill M
Tentacool M
Tentacruel M
Corphish M
Crawdaunt M
Feebas M
Milotic M
Staryu M
Starmie M
Psyduck M
Golduck M
Spheal 31
Sealeo 31 P
Walrein 31 P
Clamperl M
Huntail M
Gorebyss M
Relicanth M
Horsea M
Seadra M
Kingdra M
Squirtle M
Wartortle M
Blastoise M
Poliwag M
Poliwhirl M
Poliwrath M
Slowpoke M
Slowbro M
Seel M
Dewgong M
Shellder M
Cloyster M
Krabby M
Kingler M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Omastar M
Kabuto M
Kabutops M
Dratini M
Dragonair M
Dragonite M
Totodile M
Croconaw M
Feraligatr M
Politoed M
Wooper M
Quagsire M
Slowking M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Delibird Ice Flying M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Wailmer M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Absol M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Sneasel M
Swinub M
Mantine M
Learns From:
Mudkip M
Marshtomp M
Swampert M
Lotad M
Lombre M
Ludicolo M
Wingull M
Pelipper M
Marill M
Azumarill M
Wailmer M
Wailord M
Corphish M
Crawdaunt M
Feebas M
Milotic M
Absol M
Psyduck M
Golduck M
Spheal 31
Sealeo 31 P
Walrein 31 P
Clamperl M
Huntail M
Gorebyss M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Seadra M
Kingdra M
Squirtle M
Wartortle M
Blastoise M
Poliwag M
Poliwhirl M
Poliwrath M
Slowpoke M
Slowbro M
Seel M
Dewgong M
Lapras M
Vaporeon M
Omanyte M
Omastar M
Kabuto M
Kabutops M
Dratini M
Dragonair M
Dragonite M
Totodile M
Croconaw M
Feraligatr M
Politoed M
Wooper M
Quagsire M
Slowking M
Sneasel M
Swinub M
Piloswine M
Mantine M
Mantine Water Flying M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Learns From:
Mudkip M
Marshtomp M
Swampert M
Lotad M
Lombre M
Ludicolo M
Wingull M
Pelipper M
Marill M
Azumarill M
Corphish M
Crawdaunt M
Feebas M
Milotic M
Psyduck M
Golduck M
Spheal 31
Sealeo 31 P
Walrein 31 P
Clamperl M
Huntail M
Gorebyss M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Seadra M
Kingdra M
Squirtle M
Wartortle M
Blastoise M
Poliwag M
Poliwhirl M
Poliwrath M
Slowpoke M
Slowbro M
Seel M
Dewgong M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Omastar M
Kabuto M
Kabutops M
Dratini M
Dragonair M
Dragonite M
Totodile M
Croconaw M
Feraligatr M
Politoed M
Wooper M
Quagsire M
Slowking M
Delibird M
Kingdra Water Dragon M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Smoochum Ice Psychic M
Blissey Normal M
Teaches To:
Marill M
Castform 20
Snorunt 37
Chansey M
Suicune Water M
Lugia Psychic Flying M
Mudkip Water M
Teaches To:
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Kangaskhan M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Learns From:
Marshtomp M
Swampert M
Lotad M
Lombre M
Ludicolo M
Wingull M
Pelipper M
Marill M
Azumarill M
Corphish M
Crawdaunt M
Feebas M
Milotic M
Psyduck M
Golduck M
Spheal 31
Sealeo 31 P
Walrein 31 P
Clamperl M
Huntail M
Gorebyss M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Seadra M
Kingdra M
Squirtle M
Wartortle M
Blastoise M
Poliwag M
Poliwhirl M
Poliwrath M
Slowpoke M
Slowbro M
Seel M
Dewgong M
Kangaskhan M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Omastar M
Kabuto M
Kabutops M
Dratini M
Dragonair M
Dragonite M
Totodile M
Croconaw M
Feraligatr M
Politoed M
Wooper M
Quagsire M
Slowking M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Marshtomp Water Ground M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Kangaskhan M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Swampert Water Ground M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Kangaskhan M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Lotad Water Grass M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Wingull M
Marill M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Learns From:
Mudkip M
Marshtomp M
Swampert M
Lombre M
Ludicolo M
Wingull M
Pelipper M
Marill M
Azumarill M
Corphish M
Crawdaunt M
Feebas M
Milotic M
Psyduck M
Golduck M
Spheal 31
Sealeo 31 P
Walrein 31 P
Clamperl M
Huntail M
Gorebyss M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Seadra M
Kingdra M
Squirtle M
Wartortle M
Blastoise M
Poliwag M
Poliwhirl M
Poliwrath M
Slowpoke M
Slowbro M
Seel M
Dewgong M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Omastar M
Kabuto M
Kabutops M
Dratini M
Dragonair M
Dragonite M
Totodile M
Croconaw M
Feraligatr M
Politoed M
Wooper M
Quagsire M
Slowking M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Lombre Water Grass M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Ludicolo Water Grass M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Wingull Water Flying M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Marill M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Learns From:
Mudkip M
Marshtomp M
Swampert M
Lotad M
Lombre M
Ludicolo M
Pelipper M
Marill M
Azumarill M
Corphish M
Crawdaunt M
Feebas M
Milotic M
Psyduck M
Golduck M
Spheal 31
Sealeo 31 P
Walrein 31 P
Clamperl M
Huntail M
Gorebyss M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Seadra M
Kingdra M
Squirtle M
Wartortle M
Blastoise M
Poliwag M
Poliwhirl M
Poliwrath M
Slowpoke M
Slowbro M
Seel M
Dewgong M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Omastar M
Kabuto M
Kabutops M
Dratini M
Dragonair M
Dragonite M
Totodile M
Croconaw M
Feraligatr M
Politoed M
Wooper M
Quagsire M
Slowking M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Pelipper Water Flying M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Azurill Normal M
Carvanha Water Dark M
Teaches To:
Goldeen M
Wailmer M
Barboach M
Relicanth M
Chinchou M
Luvdisc M
Qwilfish M
Learns From:
Goldeen M
Seaking M
Gyarados M
Sharpedo M
Wailmer M
Wailord M
Barboach M
Whiscash M
Relicanth M
Chinchou M
Lanturn M
Luvdisc M
Qwilfish M
Sharpedo Water Dark M
Teaches To:
Goldeen M
Carvanha M
Wailmer M
Barboach M
Relicanth M
Chinchou M
Luvdisc M
Qwilfish M
Wailmer Water M
Teaches To:
Goldeen M
Carvanha M
Barboach M
Absol M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Relicanth M
Chinchou M
Luvdisc M
Seel M
Wooper M
Qwilfish M
Sneasel M
Swinub M
Delibird M
Learns From:
Goldeen M
Seaking M
Gyarados M
Carvanha M
Sharpedo M
Wailord M
Barboach M
Whiscash M
Absol M
Psyduck M
Golduck M
Spheal 31
Sealeo 31 P
Walrein 31 P
Relicanth M
Chinchou M
Lanturn M
Luvdisc M
Seel M
Dewgong M
Vaporeon M
Wooper M
Quagsire M
Qwilfish M
Sneasel M
Swinub M
Piloswine M
Delibird M
Wailord Water M
Teaches To:
Goldeen M
Carvanha M
Wailmer M
Barboach M
Absol M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Relicanth M
Chinchou M
Luvdisc M
Seel M
Wooper M
Qwilfish M
Sneasel M
Swinub M
Delibird M
Barboach Water Ground M
Teaches To:
Goldeen M
Carvanha M
Wailmer M
Relicanth M
Chinchou M
Luvdisc M
Qwilfish M
Learns From:
Goldeen M
Seaking M
Gyarados M
Carvanha M
Sharpedo M
Wailmer M
Wailord M
Whiscash M
Relicanth M
Chinchou M
Lanturn M
Luvdisc M
Qwilfish M
Whiscash Water Ground M
Teaches To:
Goldeen M
Carvanha M
Wailmer M
Barboach M
Relicanth M
Chinchou M
Luvdisc M
Qwilfish M
Corphish Water M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Tentacool M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Shellder M
Krabby M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Learns From:
Mudkip M
Marshtomp M
Swampert M
Lotad M
Lombre M
Ludicolo M
Wingull M
Pelipper M
Marill M
Azumarill M
Tentacool M
Tentacruel M
Crawdaunt M
Feebas M
Milotic M
Staryu M
Starmie M
Psyduck M
Golduck M
Spheal 31
Sealeo 31 P
Walrein 31 P
Clamperl M
Huntail M
Gorebyss M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Seadra M
Kingdra M
Squirtle M
Wartortle M
Blastoise M
Poliwag M
Poliwhirl M
Poliwrath M
Slowpoke M
Slowbro M
Seel M
Dewgong M
Shellder M
Cloyster M
Krabby M
Kingler M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Omastar M
Kabuto M
Kabutops M
Dratini M
Dragonair M
Dragonite M
Totodile M
Croconaw M
Feraligatr M
Politoed M
Wooper M
Quagsire M
Slowking M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Crawdaunt Water Dark M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Tentacool M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Shellder M
Krabby M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Feebas Water M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Corphish M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Learns From:
Mudkip M
Marshtomp M
Swampert M
Lotad M
Lombre M
Ludicolo M
Wingull M
Pelipper M
Gyarados M
Marill M
Azumarill M
Corphish M
Crawdaunt M
Milotic M
Psyduck M
Golduck M
Spheal 31
Sealeo 31 P
Walrein 31 P
Clamperl M
Huntail M
Gorebyss M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Seadra M
Kingdra M
Squirtle M
Wartortle M
Blastoise M
Poliwag M
Poliwhirl M
Poliwrath M
Slowpoke M
Slowbro M
Seel M
Dewgong M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Omastar M
Kabuto M
Kabutops M
Dratini M
Dragonair M
Dragonite M
Totodile M
Croconaw M
Feraligatr M
Politoed M
Wooper M
Quagsire M
Slowking M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Milotic Water M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Castform Normal 20 M
Teaches To:
Marill M
Snorunt 37
Chansey M
Learns From:
Marill M
Azumarill M
Snorunt 37
Glalie 42 P
Chansey M
Blissey M
Absol Dark M
Teaches To:
Wailmer M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Seel M
Wooper M
Sneasel M
Swinub M
Delibird M
Learns From:
Wailmer M
Wailord M
Psyduck M
Golduck M
Spheal 31
Sealeo 31 P
Walrein 31 P
Seel M
Dewgong M
Vaporeon M
Wooper M
Quagsire M
Sneasel M
Swinub M
Piloswine M
Delibird M
Snorunt Ice 37 M
Teaches To:
Marill M
Castform 20
Chansey M
Learns From:
Marill M
Azumarill M
Castform 20
Glalie 42 P
Chansey M
Blissey M
Glalie Ice 42 PM
Teaches To:
Marill M
Castform 20
Snorunt 37
Chansey M
Spheal Ice Water 31 M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Wailmer M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Absol M
Psyduck M
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Sneasel M
Swinub M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Learns From:
Mudkip M
Marshtomp M
Swampert M
Lotad M
Lombre M
Ludicolo M
Wingull M
Pelipper M
Marill M
Azumarill M
Wailmer M
Wailord M
Corphish M
Crawdaunt M
Feebas M
Milotic M
Absol M
Psyduck M
Golduck M
Sealeo 31 P
Walrein 31 P
Clamperl M
Huntail M
Gorebyss M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Seadra M
Kingdra M
Squirtle M
Wartortle M
Blastoise M
Poliwag M
Poliwhirl M
Poliwrath M
Slowpoke M
Slowbro M
Seel M
Dewgong M
Lapras M
Vaporeon M
Omanyte M
Omastar M
Kabuto M
Kabutops M
Dratini M
Dragonair M
Dragonite M
Totodile M
Croconaw M
Feraligatr M
Politoed M
Wooper M
Quagsire M
Slowking M
Sneasel M
Swinub M
Piloswine M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Sealeo Ice Water 31 PM
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Wailmer M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Absol M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Sneasel M
Swinub M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Walrein Ice Water 31 PM
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Wailmer M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Absol M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Sneasel M
Swinub M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Clamperl Water M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Learns From:
Mudkip M
Marshtomp M
Swampert M
Lotad M
Lombre M
Ludicolo M
Wingull M
Pelipper M
Marill M
Azumarill M
Corphish M
Crawdaunt M
Feebas M
Milotic M
Psyduck M
Golduck M
Spheal 31
Sealeo 31 P
Walrein 31 P
Huntail M
Gorebyss M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Seadra M
Kingdra M
Squirtle M
Wartortle M
Blastoise M
Poliwag M
Poliwhirl M
Poliwrath M
Slowpoke M
Slowbro M
Seel M
Dewgong M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Omastar M
Kabuto M
Kabutops M
Dratini M
Dragonair M
Dragonite M
Totodile M
Croconaw M
Feraligatr M
Politoed M
Wooper M
Quagsire M
Slowking M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Huntail Water M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Gorebyss Water M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Marill M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Relicanth M
Corsola M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Relicanth Water Rock M
Teaches To:
Mudkip M
Lotad M
Wingull M
Goldeen M
Marill M
Carvanha M
Wailmer M
Barboach M
Corphish M
Feebas M
Psyduck M
Spheal 31
Clamperl M
Corsola M
Chinchou M
Luvdisc M
Horsea M
Squirtle M
Poliwag M
Slowpoke M
Seel M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Kabuto M
Dratini M
Totodile M
Wooper M
Qwilfish M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Learns From:
Mudkip M
Marshtomp M
Swampert M
Lotad M
Lombre M
Ludicolo M
Wingull M
Pelipper M
Goldeen M
Seaking M
Gyarados M
Marill M
Azumarill M
Carvanha M
Sharpedo M
Wailmer M
Wailord M
Barboach M
Whiscash M
Corphish M
Crawdaunt M
Feebas M
Milotic M
Psyduck M
Golduck M
Spheal 31
Sealeo 31 P
Walrein 31 P
Clamperl M
Huntail M
Gorebyss M
Corsola M
Chinchou M
Lanturn M
Luvdisc M
Horsea M
Seadra M
Kingdra M
Squirtle M
Wartortle M
Blastoise M
Poliwag M
Poliwhirl M
Poliwrath M
Slowpoke M
Slowbro M
Seel M
Dewgong M
Lapras M
Omanyte M
Omastar M
Kabuto M
Kabutops M
Dratini M
Dragonair M
Dragonite M
Totodile M
Croconaw M
Feraligatr M
Politoed M
Wooper M
Quagsire M
Slowking M
Qwilfish M
Delibird M
Mantine M
Luvdisc Water M
Teaches To:
Goldeen M
Carvanha M
Wailmer M
Barboach M
Relicanth M
Chinchou M
Qwilfish M
Learns From:
Goldeen M
Seaking M
Gyarados M
Carvanha M
Sharpedo M
Wailmer M
Wailord M
Barboach M
Whiscash M
Relicanth M
Chinchou M
Lanturn M
Qwilfish M
Regice Ice M
Kyogre Water M