Index of Spells by Level - Brd 6

School Casting Time Source Book
Save - Res Level Comps
Dur Range Recharge
Expensive Focus
Expensive Material
XP Cost
Full Description
Analyze Dweomer (F)
Divination 1 standard action SRD
None or Will negates; see text - No Brd 6, Commerce 8, Sor/Wiz 6 V, S, F
1 round/level (D) Close General
Targets: One object or creature per caster level
Focus: A tiny lens of ruby or sapphire set in a small golden loop. The gemstone must be worth at least 1,500 gp.

Reveals magical aspects of subject.

You discern all spells and magical properties present in a number of creatures or objects. Each round, you may examine a single creature or object that you can see as a free action. In the case of a magic item, you learn its functions, how to activate its functions (if appropriate), and how many charges are left (if it uses charges). In the case of an object or creature with active spells cast upon it, you learn each spell, its effect, and its caster level.

An attended object may attempt a Will save to resist this effect if its holder so desires. If the save succeeds, you learn nothing about the object except what you can discern by looking at it. An object that makes its save cannot be affected by any other analyze dweomer spells for 24 hours.

Analyze dweomer does not function when used on an artifact.

Animate Objects
Transmutation 1 standard action SRD
None - No Arc 6, Brd 6, Chaos 6, Clr 6, Life 6, Sor/Wiz 6 V, S
1 round/level Medium General
Targets: One Small object per caster level; see text

Objects attack your foes.

You imbue inanimate objects with mobility and a semblance of life. Each such animated object then immediately attacks whomever or whatever you initially designate.

An animated object can be of any non-magical material. You may animate one Small or smaller object or an equivalent number of larger objects per caster level. A Medium object counts as two Small or smaller objects, a Large object as four, a Huge object as eight, a Gargantuan object as sixteen, and a Colossal object as thirty-two. You can change the designated target or targets as a move action, as if directing an active spell.

This spell cannot animate objects carried or worn by a creature.

Animate objects can be made permanent with a permanency spell.

Mass Cat's Grace
Transmutation 1 standard action SRD
Will negates (harmless) - Yes Arc 6, Brd 6, Celerity 7, Drd 6, Sor/Wiz 6 V, S, M
1 min./level Close 30 minutes
Targets: One creature/level, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart

As cat's grace, affects one subject/level.

This spell functions like cat's grace, except that it affects multiple creatures.

Mass Charm Monster
Enchantment (Charm) [Mind-Affecting] 1 standard action SRD
Will negates - Yes Brd 6, Sin-P 9, Sor/Wiz 8, Tyranny 8 V
1 day/level Close 1 hour
Targets: One or more creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart

As charm monster, but all within 30 ft.

This spell functions like charm monster, except that mass charm monster affects a number of creatures whose combined HD do not exceed twice your level, or at least one creature regardless of HD. If there are more potential targets than you can affect, you choose them one at a time until you choose a creature with too many HD.

This charm makes a creature regard you as its trusted friend and ally (treat the targets attitude as friendly). If the creature is currently being threatened or attacked by you or your allies, however, it receives a +5 bonus on its saving throw.

The spell does not enable you to control the charmed creature as if it were an automaton, but it perceives your words and actions in the most favorable way. You can try to give the subject orders, but you must win an opposed Charisma check to convince it to do anything it wouldnt ordinarily do. (Retries are not allowed.) An affected creature never obeys suicidal or obviously harmful orders, but it might be convinced that something very dangerous is worth doing. Any act by you or your apparent allies that threatens the charmed creature breaks the spell. You must speak the persons language to communicate your commands, or else be good at pantomiming.

City Stride
  Brd 6, City 6  
    4 hours

Teleport between two cities.

Mass Cure Moderate Wounds
Conjuration (Healing) [Positive] 1 standard action SRD
Will half (harmless) or Will half; see text - Yes (harmless) or Yes; see text APeace 6, Arc 6, Brd 6, Clr 6, Drd 7, Hlr 5 V, S
Instant Close General
Target: One creature/level, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart

Cures 2d8 damage +1/level for many creatures.

You channel positive energy to cure 2d8 points of damage +1 point per caster level (maximum +30) in each selected creature.

Like other cure spells, mass cure light wounds deals damage to undead in its area rather than curing them. Each affected undead may attempt a Will save for half damage.

  Brd 6  

Enemies suffer 2 points of Str and Dex damage per round.

Mass Eagle's Splendor
Transmutation 1 standard action SRD
Will negates (harmless) - Yes APeace 6, Arc 6, Brd 6, Clr 6, Pleasure 5, Sor/Wiz 6 V, S, M/DF
1 min./level Close 30 minutes
Target: One creature/level, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart

As eagle's splendor, affects one subject/level.

This spell functions like eagle's splendor, except that it affects multiple creatures.

Empyreal Ecstasy
    Book of Exalted Deeds
  Brd 6, Pleasure 7  
    30 minutes

Targets immune to pain and mind-influencing effects, and take half damage from melee and ranged attacks; -4 to skill checks.

Necromancy [Evil] 1 standard action SRD
Fortitude negates - Yes Brd 6, Necro 6, Orc 6, Scalykind 6, Sor/Wiz 6 V, S
1 round/3 levels; see text Close General
Target: One living creature

Target becomes panicked, sickened, and comatose.

Each round, you may target a single living creature, striking it with waves of evil power. Depending on the targets HD, this attack has as many as three effects.

10 or moreSickened
5-9Panicked, sickened
4 or lessComatose, panicked, sickened

The effects are cumulative and concurrent.

Sickened: Sudden pain and fever sweeps over the subjects body. A sickened creature takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks. A creature affected by this spell remains sickened for 10 minutes per caster level. The effects cannot be negated by a remove disease or heal spell, but a remove curse is effective.

Panicked: The subject becomes panicked for 1d4 rounds. Even after the panic ends, the creature remains shaken for 10 minutes per caster level, and it automatically becomes panicked again if it comes within sight of you during that time. This is a fear effect.

Comatose: The subject falls into a catatonic coma for 10 minutes per caster level. During this time, it cannot be awakened by any means short of dispelling the effect. This is not a sleep effect, and thus elves are not immune to it.

The spell lasts for 1 round per three caster levels. You must spend a move action each round after the first to target a foe.

    Song and Silence
  Brd 6  

Stuns and deafens targets; deals 4d6 damage to creatures and 2d6 damage to objects.

Fey Ring (XP)
    Far Corners of the World
  Arc 7, Brd 6, Clr 7, Drd 6, Sor/Wiz 7  

Call a Fey creature that may or may not help you.

Find the Path
Divination 3 rounds SRD
None or Will negates (harmless) - No or Yes (harmless) Arc 6, Brd 6, Cavern 6, Clr 6, Drd 6, Elf 6, Knowledge 6, Meditation 6, Travel 6 V, S, F
10 min./level Personal or touch 4 hours
Target: You or creature touched

Shows most direct way to a location.

The recipient of this spell can find the shortest, most direct physical route to a specified destination, be it the way into or out of a locale. The locale can be outdoors, underground, or even inside a maze spell. Find the path works with respect to locations, not objects or creatures at a locale. The location must be on the same plane as you are at the time of casting.

The spell enables the subject to sense the correct direction that will eventually lead it to its destination, indicating at appropriate times the exact path to follow or physical actions to take. For example, the spell enables the subject to sense trip wires or the proper word to bypass a glyph of warding. The spell ends when the destination is reached or the duration expires, whichever comes first. Find the path can be used to remove the subject and its companions from the effect of a maze spell in a single round.

This divination is keyed to the recipient, not its companions, and its effect does not predict or allow for the actions of creatures (including guardians).

Mass Fox's Cunning
Transmutation 1 standard action SRD
Will negates (harmless) - Yes Brd 6, Sor/Wiz 6 V, S, M/DF
1 min./level Close 30 minutes
Target: One creature/level, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart

As fox's cunning, affects one subject/level.

This spell functions like fox's cunning, except that it affects multiple creatures.

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] [Language-Dependent] 10 minutes SRD
None - Yes APeace 6, Arc 6, Brd 6, Charm 6, Clr 6, Domination 6, Fate 6, Inquisition 6, Nobility 6, Sor/Wiz 6, Tyranny 6, Wuj 6 V
1 day/level or until discharged (D) Close General
Target: One living creature

As geas, lesser, plus it affects any creature.

A geas/quest places a magical command on a creature to carry out some service or to refrain from some action or course of activity, as desired by you. The creature must be able to understand you. While a geas cannot compel a creature to kill itself or perform acts that would result in certain death, it can cause almost any other course of activity.

The geased creature must follow the given instructions until the geas is completed, no matter how long it takes.

If the instructions involve some open-ended task that the recipient cannot complete through his own actions the spell remains in effect for a maximum of one day per caster level. A clever recipient can subvert some instructions:

If the subject is prevented from obeying the geas/quest for 24 hours, it takes 3d6 points of damage each day it does not attempt to follow the geas/quest. Additionally, each day it must make a Fortitude saving throw or become sickened. These effects end 24 hours after the creature attempts to resume the geas/quest.

A remove curse spell ends a geas/quest spell only if its caster level is at least two higher than your caster level. Break enchantment does not end a geas/quest, but limited wish, miracle, and wish do.

Bards, sorcerers, and wizards usually refer to this spell as geas, while clerics call the same spell quest.

Glimpse Of The Prophecy
  Arc 6, Brd 6, Clr 6, Sor/Wiz 6  

Gain +1 insight bonus to AC and on saves; gain insight bonus equal to 1/2 caster level on one save, or enter prophetic favor as immediate action.

Heaven's Trumpet (F)
    Book of Exalted Deeds
  Arc 7, Brd 6, Clr 7, EmBarachiel 4  

Blast of music paralyzes foes.

Heroes' Feast
Conjuration (Creation) 10 minutes SRD
None - No APeace 6, Arc 6, Brd 6, Clr 6, Community 6, Courage 6, Creation 6, Family 6, Feast 6, Fey 6, Hlr 6, Planning 6, Renewal 6, Sin-G 6 V, S, DF
1 hour plus 12 hours; see text Close 24 hours
Effect: Feast for one creature/level

Food for one creature/level cures and grants combat bonuses.

You bring forth a great feast, including a magnificent table, chairs, service, and food and drink. The feast takes 1 hour to consume, and the beneficial effects do not set in until this hour is over. Every creature partaking of the feast is cured of all diseases, sickness, and nausea; becomes immune to poison for 12 hours; and gains 1d8 temporary hit points +1 point per two caster levels (maximum +10) after imbibing the nectar-like beverage that is part of the feast. The ambrosial food that is consumed grants each creature that partakes a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and Will saves and immunity to fear effects for 12 hours.

If the feast is interrupted for any reason, the spell is ruined and all effects of the spell are negated.

Hindsight (M)
  Brd 6, Sor/Wiz 9  

Divination that allows you to see the history of a location.

Irresistible Dance
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] 1 standard action SRD
None - Yes Brd 6, Gnome 8, Joy 9, Passion 8, Sor/Wiz 8 V
1d4+1 rounds Touch General
Target: Living creature touched

Forces subject to dance.

The subject feels an undeniable urge to dance and begins doing so, complete with foot shuffling and tapping. The spell effect makes it impossible for the subject to do anything other than caper and prance in place. The effect imposes a -4 penalty to Armor Class and a -10 penalty on Reflex saves, and it negates any AC bonus granted by a shield the target holds. The dancing subject provokes attacks of opportunity each round on its turn.

Mephit Mob
  Arc 6, Brd 6, Drd 6, Thirst 7  
    1 hour

Summons 2d6 mephits of a kind you designate.

Nixie's Grace
  Brd 6  

You gain a swim speed, water breathing, low-light vision*, damage reduction* 5/cold iron, and enhancements to Dexterity and Wisdom.

Permanent Image (M)
Illusion (Figment) 1 standard action SRD
Will disbelief (if interacted with) - No Arc 6, Brd 6, Creation 7, Moon 6, Shu 6, Sor/Wiz 6, Wuj 6 V, S, M
Permanent (D) Long 24 hours
Effect: Figment that cannot extend beyond a 20-ft. cube + one 10-ft. cube/level (S)
Materials: A bit of fleece plus powdered jade worth 100 gp.

Includes sight, sound, and smell.

This spell creates the visual illusion of an object, creature, or force, as visualized by you.

The figment includes visual, auditory, olfactory, and thermal elements, and the spell is permanent. By concentrating, you can move the image within the limits of the range, but it is static while you are not concentrating.

Mass Phantom Steed
Conjuration (Creation) 15 minutes ATB
None - No Brd 6, Sor/Wiz 7 V, S
1 hour/level (D) Close 6 hours
Effect: One quasi-real, horselike creature/2 levels

Magic horses appear for 1 hour/level.

You conjure one Large, quasi-real, horselike creature per 2 caster levels (maximum 15 horses). Each steed can be ridden only by you or by the one person for whom you specifically created the mount. A phantom steed has a black head and body, gray mane and tail, and smoke-colored, insubstantial hooves that make no sound. It has what seems to be a saddle, bit, and bridle. It does not fight, but animals shun it and refuse to attack it.

The mount has an AC of 22 (-1 size, +6 natural armor, +7 Dex) and 14 hit points +2 hit points per caster level. If it loses all its hit points, the phantom steed disappears. A phantom steed has a speed of 20 feet per caster level, to a maximum of 240 feet. It can bear its riders weight plus up to 10 pounds per caster level.

These mounts gain certain powers according to caster level. A mount's abilities include those of mounts of lower caster levels.

8th Level: The mount can ride over sandy, muddy, or even swampy ground without difficulty or decrease in speed.

10th Level: The mount can use water walk at will (as the spell, no action required to activate this ability).

12th Level: The mount can use air walk at will (as the spell, no action required to activate this ability) for up to 1 round at a time, after which it falls to the ground.

14th Level: The mount can fly at its speed (good maneuverability).

Programmed Image (M)
Illusion (Figment) 1 standard action SRD
Will disbelief (if interacted with) - No Arc 7, Brd 6, Shu 7, Sor/Wiz 6, Wuj 6 V, S, M
Permanent until triggered, then 1 round/level Long 12 hours
Effect: Visual figment that cannot extend beyond a 20-ft. cube + one 10-ft. cube/level (S)
Materials: A bit of fleece and jade dust worth 25 gp.

As major image, plus triggered by event.

This spell creates the visual illusion of an object, creature, or force, as visualized by you. This spell's figment activates when a specific condition occurs. The figment includes visual, auditory, olfactory, and thermal elements, including intelligible speech. You set the triggering condition (which may be a special word) when casting the spell. The event that triggers the illusion can be as general or as specific and detailed as desired but must be based on an audible, tactile, olfactory, or visual trigger. The trigger cannot be based on some quality not normally obvious to the senses, such as alignment. (See magic mouth for more details about such triggers.)

Project Image (M)
Illusion (Shadow) 1 standard action SRD
Will disbelief (if interacted with) - No Beguiler 7, Brd 6, Illusion 7, Sor/Wiz 7 V, S, M
1 round/level (D) Medium General
Effect: One shadow duplicate
Materials: A small replica of you (a doll), which costs 5 gp to create.

Illusory double can talk and cast spells.

You tap energy from the Plane of Shadow to create a quasi-real, illusory version of yourself. The projected image looks, sounds, and smells like you but is intangible. The projected image mimics your actions (including speech) unless you direct it to act differently (which is a move action).

You can see through its eyes and hear through its ears as if you were standing where it is, and during your turn you can switch from using its senses to using your own, or back again, as a free action. While you are using its senses, your body is considered blinded and deafened.

If you desire, any spell you cast whose range is touch or greater can originate from the projected image instead of from you. The projected image can't cast any spells on itself except for illusion spells. The spells affect other targets normally, despite originating from the projected image.

Objects are affected by the projected image as if they had succeeded on their Will save.

You must maintain line of effect to the projected image at all times. If your line of effect is obstructed, the spell ends. If you use dimension door, teleport, plane shift, or a similar spell that breaks your line of effect, even momentarily, the spell ends.

    Complete Adventurer
  Brd 6  
    30 minutes

Grants another creature bardic abilities.

Rapture of the Deep
  Brd 6  
    12 hours

Target becomes comatose.

Superior Resistance
  Arc 6, Brd 6, Clr 6, Drd 6, Sor/Wiz 6  

Subject gains +6 on saving throws.

Greater Scrying
Divination (Scrying) 1 standard action SRD
Will negates - Yes APeace 7, Arc 7, Brd 6, Clr 7, Drd 7, Dream 7, Oracle 7, Planning 7, Shu 7, Sor/Wiz 7, Wuj 7 V, S
1 hour/level See text 6 hours
Effect: Magical sensor

As scrying, but faster and longer.

This spell functions like scrying. Additionally, all of the following spells function reliably through the sensor: detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law, detect magic, message, read magic, and tongues.

Seal Portal (M)
    Planar Handbook
  Arc 6, Brd 6, Clr 6, Drd 6, Sor/Wiz 6  

Seal an interplanar portal or gate.

Greater Shout
Evocation [Sonic] 1 standard action SRD
Fortitude partial or Reflex negates (object); see text - Yes (object) Brd 6, Sin-W 8, Sor/Wiz 8, Wmg 8 V, S, F
Instant 60 ft. General
Area: Cone-shaped burst

Devastating yell deals 10d6 sonic damage; stuns creatures, damages objects.

You emit an ear-splitting yell that deafens and damages creatures in its path. Any creature within the area is stunned for 1 round and deafened for 4d6 rounds and takes 10d6 points of sonic damage. A creature in the area of the cone can negate the stunning and halve both the damage and the duration of the deafness with a successful Fortitude save. Any exposed brittle or crystalline object or crystalline creature takes 1d6 points of sonic damage per caster level (maximum 20d6). An affected creature is allowed a Fortitude save to reduce the damage by half, and a creature holding fragile objects can negate damage to them with a successful Reflex save.

  Brd 6  

Musical snowfall aids allies in within 30 ft. and hinders enemy spellcasters.

Summon Monster VI
Conjuration (Summoning) 1 round SRD
None - No Arc 6, Brd 6, Clr 6, Sor/Wiz 6, Wuj 6 V, S, F/DF
1 round/level (D) Close General
Effect: One or more summoned creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart

Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.

This spell functions like summon monster I, except you can summon one creature from the 6th-level list, 1d3 creatures of the same kind from the 5th-level list (summon monster V), or 1d4+1 creatures of the same kind from a lower-level list. (summon monster I, summon monster II, summon monster III, summon monster IV)

Summon Monster VI List
Monster Alignment
Celestial polar bear LG
Celestial orca whale 1 NG
Bralani (eladrin) CG
Celestial dire lion CG
Large Elemental (any) N
Large Air Elemental N
Large Earth Elemental N
Large Fire Elemental N
Large Water Elemental N
Janni (genie) N
Chaos beast CN
Chain Devil LE
Xill LE
Fiendish Gargantuan monstrous centipede NE
Fiendish rhinoceros NE
Fiendish elasmosaurus 1 CE
Fiendish Huge monstrous spider CE
Fiendish giant constrictor snake CE

1 May be summoned only into an aquatic or watery environment.

Sympathetic Vibration
Evocation [Sonic] 10 minutes SRD
None; see text - Yes Brd 6 V, S, F
Up to 1 round/level Touch 12 hours
Target: One freestanding structure

Deals 2d10 damage/round to freestanding structure.

By attuning yourself to a freestanding structure such you can create a damaging vibration within it. Once it begins, the vibration deals 2d10 points of damage per round to the target structure. (Hardness has no effect on the spell's damage.) You can choose at the time of casting to limit the duration of the spell; otherwise it lasts for 1 round/level. If the spell is cast upon a target that is not freestanding the surrounding stone dissipates the effect and no damage occurs.

Sympathetic vibration cannot affect creatures (including constructs). Since a structure is an unattended object, it gets no saving throw to resist the effect.

Symphonic Nightmare (F)
  Arc 7, Brd 6, Clr 7, Sor/Wiz 7  

Haunting music disrupts target's sleep for 1 day/level.

Semimonthly Temporary Soul Binding (M)
Conjuration (Teleportation) 2 minutes ATB
Will negates (harmless, object) - No Arc 6, Brd 6, Clr 6, Drd 6, Sor/Wiz 6 V, S, M
1 day/level or until discharged Touch General
Targets: 1 Creature and 1 item
Materials: A red colored gem valued at least 500gp

As Temporary Soul Binding, except 1 day/level.

As Temporary Soul Binding, except 1 day/level.

The Hamagess' Staffsprout (F)
    Mintipers Chapbook
  Brd 6, Sor/Wiz 6  

Creates short-lived wands of 1 charge from a staff.

Illusion (Glamer) 1 standard action SRD
Will negates; see text - Yes; see text Arc 6, Beguiler 6, Brd 6, Shu 6, Sor/Wiz 6, Wuj 6 V, S
Concentration + 1 hour/level (D) Long 12 hours
Targets: One or more creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart

Changes appearance of group of creatures.

You instantly change the appearance of the subjects and then maintain that appearance for the spell's duration. You can make the subjects appear to be anything you wish. The subjects look, feel, and smell just like the creatures the spell makes them resemble. Affected creatures resume their normal appearances if slain. You must succeed on a Disguise check to duplicate the appearance of a specific individual. This spell gives you a +10 bonus on the check.

Unwilling targets can negate the spells effect on them by making Will saves or with spell resistance. Those who interact with the subjects can attempt Will disbelief saves to see through the glamer, but spell resistance doesn't help.

Wave of Pain
    Book of Vile Darkness
  Brd 6, Pain 7  

Stuns all within cone for 1 round/2 levels.