Index of Spells by Level - Wuj 1

School Casting Time Source Book
Save - Res Level Comps
Dur Range Recharge
Expensive Focus
Expensive Material
XP Cost
Full Description
    Complete Arcane
  Wmg 1, Wuj 1  
    1 hour

Doubles ranged weapon's range increments.

Animate Fire
  Arc 1, Drd 1, Wuj 1  

Turn campfire into Small fire elemental.

Animate Rope
Transmutation 1 standard action SRD
None - No Artifice 1, Brd 1, Craft 1, Sor/Wiz 1, Wuj 1 V, S
1 round/level Medium General
Target: One ropelike object, length up to 50 ft. + 5 ft./level; see text

Makes a rope move at your command.

You can animate a nonliving ropelike object. The maximum length assumes a rope with a 1-inch diameter.

Reduce the maximum length by 50% for every additional inch of thickness, and increase it by 50% for each reduction of the rope's diameter by half.

The possible commands are "coil" (form a neat, coiled stack), "coil and knot," "loop," "loop and knot," "tie and knot," and the opposites of all of the above ("uncoil," and so forth). You can give one command each round as a move action, as if directing an active spell.

The rope can enwrap only a creature or an object within 1 foot of it - it does not snake outward - so it must be thrown near the intended target. Doing so requires a successful ranged touch attack roll (range increment 10 feet). A typical 1- inch-diameter hempen rope has 2 hit points, AC 10, and requires a DC 23 Strength check to burst it. The rope does not deal damage, but it can be used as a trip line or to cause a single opponent that fails a Reflex saving throw to become entangled. A creature capable of spell-casting that is bound by this spell must make a DC 15 Concentration check to cast a spell. An entangled creature can slip free with a DC 20 Escape Artist check.

The rope itself and any knots tied in it are not magical.

This spell grants a +2 bonus on any Use Rope checks you make when using the transmuted rope.

The spell cannot animate objects carried or worn by a creature.

Animate Water
  Arc 1, Drd 1, Wuj 1  

Turn quantity of water into Small water elemental.

Animate Wood
  Arc 1, Drd 1, Wuj 1  

This spell imbues a Small or smaller wooden object with mobility and a semblance of life.

Backbiter (F)
  HB 1, Sor/Wiz 1, Wuj 1  

Cause two handed or reach weapon to strike is wielder.

  Arc 1, Drd 1, Hrp 1, Rgr 1, Wuj 1  
    1 hour

Grants +10 bonus on Hide checks.

Charm Person
Enchantment (Charm) [Mind-Affecting] 1 standard action SRD
Will negates - Yes Beguiler 1, Brd 1, Charm 1, EmBarachiel 1, Fey 2, HB 1, MH 1, Renewal 1, Sin-L 1, Sor/Wiz 1, Wuj 1 V, S
1 hour/level Close 1 hour
Target: One humanoid creature

Makes one person your friend.

This charm makes a humanoid creature regard you as its trusted friend and ally (treat the targets attitude as friendly). If the creature is currently being threatened or attacked by you or your allies, however, it receives a +5 bonus on its saving throw.

The spell does not enable you to control the charmed person as if it were an automaton, but it perceives your words and actions in the most favorable way. You can try to give the subject orders, but you must win an opposed Charisma check to convince it to do anything it wouldn't ordinarily do. (Retries are not allowed.) An affected creature never obeys suicidal or obviously harmful orders, but it might be convinced that something very dangerous is worth doing. Any act by you or your apparent allies that threatens the charmed person breaks the spell. You must speak the person's language to communicate your commands, or else be good at pantomiming.

Cobra's Breath
    Complete Arcane
  Wuj 1  

Cone of Poison deals 1d3 Con damage once.

Comprehend Languages
Divination 1 standard action SRD
- Adp 1, APeace 1, Arc 1, Beguiler 1, Brd 1, Clr 1, Commerce 1, EmBarachiel 1, Herald 1, Meditation 1, Mind 1, Sor/Wiz 1, Wuj 1 V, S, M/DF
10 min./level Personal 4 hours
Target: You

You understand all spoken and written languages.

You can understand the spoken words of creatures or read otherwise incomprehensible written messages. In either case, you must touch the creature or the writing. The ability to read does not necessarily impart insight into the material, merely its literal meaning. The spell enables you to understand or read an unknown language, not speak or write it.

Written material can be read at the rate of one page (250 words) per minute. Magical writing cannot be read, though the spell reveals that it is magical. This spell can be foiled by certain warding magic (such as the secret page and illusory script spells). It does not decipher codes or reveal messages concealed in otherwise normal text.

Comprehend languages can be made permanent with a permanency spell.

Detect Chaos
Divination 1 standard action SRD
None - No Adp 1, Arc 1, Clr 1, Inquisition 1, KotC 1, Wuj 1 V, S, DF
Concentration, up to 10 min./level (D) 60 ft. General
Area: Cone-shaped emanation

Reveals creatures, spells, or objects of selected alignment.

This spell functions like detect evil, except that it detects the auras of chaotic creatures, clerics of chaotic deities, chaotic spells, and chaotic magic items, and you are vulnerable to an overwhelming chaotic aura if you are lawful.

Detect Evil
Divination 1 standard action SRD
None - No Adp 1, APeace 1, Arc 1, Clr 1, KotC 1, Wuj 1 V, S, DF
Concentration, up to 10 min./level (D) 60 ft. General
Area: Cone-shaped emanation

Reveals creatures, spells, or objects of selected alignment.

You can sense the presence of evil. The amount of information revealed depends on how long you study a particular area or subject.

1st Round: Presence or absence of evil.

2nd Round: Number of evil auras (creatures, objects, or spells) in the area and the power of the most potent evil aura present.

If you are of good alignment, and the strongest evil aura's power is overwhelming (see below), and the HD or level of the auras source is at least twice your character level, you are stunned for 1 round and the spell ends.

3rd Round: The power and location of each aura. If an aura is outside your line of sight, then you discern its direction but not its exact location.

Aura Power: An evil auras power depends on the type of evil creature or object that youre detecting and its HD, caster level, or (in the case of a cleric) class level; see the accompanying table. If an aura falls into more than one strength category, the spell indicates the stronger of the two.

 Aura Power
Object/Creature Faint Moderate Strong Overwhelming
Evil creature1 (HD) 10 or lower 11-25 26-50 51 or higher
Undead (HD) 2 or lower 3-8 9-20 21 or higher
Evil outsider (HD) 1 or lower 2-4 5-10 11 or higher
Cleric of an evil deity 2 (class levels) 1 2-4 5-10 11 or higher
Evil magic item or spell (caster level) 2nd or lower 3rd-8th 9th-20th 21st or higher

1 Except for undead and outsiders, which have their own entries on the table.

2 Some characters who are not clerics may radiate an aura of equivalent power. The class description will indicate whether this applies.

Lingering Aura: An evil aura lingers after its original source dissipates (in the case of a spell) or is destroyed (in the case of a creature or magic item). If detect evil is cast and directed at such a location, the spell indicates an aura strength of dim (even weaker than a faint aura). How long the aura lingers at this dim level depends on its original power:

Original Strength Duration of Lingering Aura
Faint 1d6 rounds
Moderate 1d6 minutes
Strong 1d6x10 minutes
Overwhelming 1d6 days

Animals, traps, poisons, and other potential perils are not evil, and as such this spell does not detect them.

Each round, you can turn to detect evil in a new area. The spell can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it.

Detect Good
Divination 1 standard action SRD
None - No Adp 1, Arc 1, Clr 1, MH 1, Wuj 1 V, S, DF
Concentration, up to 10 min./level (D) 60 ft. General
Area: Cone-shaped emanation

Reveals creatures, spells, or objects of selected alignment.

This spell functions like detect evil, except that it detects the auras of good creatures, clerics or paladins of good deities, good spells, and good magic items, and you are vulnerable to an overwhelming good aura if you are evil. Healing potions, antidotes, and similar beneficial items are not good.

Detect Law
Divination 1 standard action SRD
None - No Adp 1, Arc 1, Clr 1, Wuj 1 V, S, DF
Concentration, up to 10 min./level (D) 60 ft. General
Area: Cone-shaped emanation

Reveals creatures, spells, or objects of selected alignment.

This spell functions like detect evil, except that it detects the auras of lawful creatures, clerics of lawful deities, lawful spells, and lawful magic items, and you are vulnerable to an overwhelming lawful aura if you are chaotic.

Disguise Self
Illusion (Glamer) 1 standard action SRD
- Arc 1, Asn 1, Beguiler 1, Brd 1, HB 1, Shu 1, Sin-E 1, Slayer of Domiel 1, Sor/Wiz 1, Trickery 1, Wuj 1 V, S
10 min./level (D) Personal 4 hours
Target: You

Changes your appearance.

You make yourself-including clothing, armor, weapons, and equipmentlook different. You can seem 1 foot shorter or taller, thin, fat, or in between. You cannot change your body type. Otherwise, the extent of the apparent change is up to you. You could add or obscure a minor feature or look like an entirely different person.

The spell does not provide the abilities or mannerisms of the chosen form, nor does it alter the perceived tactile (touch) or audible (sound) properties of you or your equipment.

If you use this spell to create a disguise, you get a +10 bonus on the Disguise check.

A creature that interacts with the glamer gets a Will save to recognize it as an illusion.

Elemental Burst
    Complete Arcane
  Wuj 1  

Deal elemental damage in a burst.

Endure Elements
Abjuration 1 standard action SRD
Will negates (harmless) - Yes (harmless) Adp 1, APeace 1, Arc 1, Blg 1, ChamGwyn 1, Clr 1, Drd 1, Endurance 1, KotC 1, Ocean 1, Pal 1, Rgr 1, Shu 1, Sor/Wiz 1, Sun 1, Vassal of Bahamut 1, Wuj 1 V, S
1 day Touch 6 hours
Target: Creature touched

Exist comfortably in hot or cold environments.

A creature protected by endure elements suffers no harm from being in a hot or cold environment. It can exist comfortably in conditions between -50 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit without having to make Fortitude saves). The creatures equipment is likewise protected.

Endure elements doesn't provide any protection from fire or cold damage, nor does it protect against other environmental hazards such as smoke, lack of air, and so forth.

Fiery Eyes
    Complete Arcane
  Wuj 1  

Laser eyes cause fires after focusing for a full round action.

Ghost Light
    Complete Arcane
  Wuj 1  

An eerie green torch light causes creatures to become shaken.

Hail of Stone (M)
  Sor/Wiz 1, Wmg 1, Wuj 1  

Stones deal 1d4 points of damage/level to creatures in the area (max 5d4).

Hold Portal
Abjuration 1 standard action SRD
None - No Sor/Wiz 1, Wuj 1 V
1 min./level (D) Medium 5 minutes
Target: One portal, up to 20 sq. ft./level

Holds door shut.

This spell magically holds shut a door, gate, window, or shutter of wood, metal, or stone. The magic affects the portal just as if it were securely closed and normally locked. A knock spell or a successful dispel magic spell can negate a hold portal spell.

For a portal affected by this spell, add 5 to the normal DC for forcing open the portal.

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] 1 round SRD
Will negates - Yes Arc 1, Beguiler 1, Brd 1, EmBarachiel 1, Shu 1, Sin-P 1, Sor/Wiz 1, Wuj 1 V, S
2d4 rounds (D) Close General
Area: Several living creatures, no two of which may be more than 30 ft. apart

Fascinates 2d4 HD of creatures.

Your gestures and droning incantation fascinate nearby creatures, causing them to stop and stare blankly at you. In addition, you can use their rapt attention to make your suggestions and requests seem more plausible. Roll 2d4 to see how many total Hit Dice of creatures you affect. Creatures with fewer HD are affected before creatures with more HD. Only creatures that can see or hear you are affected, but they do not need to understand you to be fascinated.

If you use this spell in combat, each target gains a +2 bonus on its saving throw. If the spell affects only a single creature not in combat at the time, the saving throw has a penalty of -2.

While the subject is fascinated by this spell, it reacts as though it were two steps more friendly in attitude. This allows you to make a single request of the affected creature (provided you can communicate with it). The request must be brief and reasonable. Even after the spell ends, the creature retains its new attitude toward you, but only with respect to that particular request.

A creature that fails its saving throw does not remember that you enspelled it.

Iron Scarf
    Complete Arcane
  Wuj 1  

Scarf deals 1d8 +1 (max +5) damage to target.

Transmutation 1 standard action SRD
Will negates (harmless) - Yes Arc 1, Asn 1, Drd 1, Duskblade 1, Rgr 1, Sor/Wiz 1, Wuj 1 V, S, M
1 min./level (D) Touch 5 minutes
Target: Creature touched

Subject gets bonus on Jump checks.

The subject gets a +10 enhancement bonus on Jump checks. The enhancement bonus increases to +20 at caster level 5th, and to +30 (the maximum) at caster level 9th.

Magic Missile
Evocation [Force] 1 standard action SRD
None - Yes Force 2, Sor/Wiz 1, Wmg 1, Wuj 1 V, S
Instant Medium General
Targets: Up to five creatures, no two of which can be more than 15 ft. apart

1d4+1 damage; +1 missile per two levels above 1st (max 5).

A missile of magical energy darts forth from your fingertip and strikes its target, dealing 1d4+1 points of force damage.

The missile strikes unerringly, even if the target is in melee combat or has less than total cover or total concealment. Specific parts of a creature can't be singled out. Inanimate objects are not damaged by the spell.

For every two caster levels beyond 1st, you gain an additional missile-two at 3rd level, three at 5th, four at 7th, and the maximum of five missiles at 9th level or higher. If you shoot multiple missiles, you can have them strike a single creature or several creatures. A single missile can strike only one creature. You must designate targets before you check for spell resistance or roll damage.

Magic Weapon
Transmutation 1 standard action SRD
Will negates (harmless, object) - Yes (harmless, object) Arc 1, Artificer 1, Blk 1, ChamGwyn 1, Clr 1, Duskblade 1, Dwarf 1, HB 1, HotD 1, KotC 1, Metal 1, Pal 1, Shu 1, Sor/Wiz 1, War 1, Wuj 1 V, S, DF
1 min./level Touch 5 minutes
Target: Weapon touched

Weapon gains +1 bonus.

Magic weapon gives a weapon a +1 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls. (An enhancement bonus does not stack with a masterwork weapons +1 bonus on attack rolls.)

You cant cas't this spell on a natural weapon, such as an unarmed strike (instead, see magic fang). A monk's unarmed strike is considered a weapon, and thus it can be enhanced by this spell.

    Complete Arcane
  Wuj 1  

Deal 2/level (max 10) damage to cold subtype creature.

Obscuring Mist
Conjuration (Creation) 1 standard action SRD
None - No Adp 1, Air 1, APeace 1, Arc 1, Asn 1, Beguiler 1, Clr 1, Darkness 1, Drd 1, Duskblade 1, Shadow 1, Shu 1, Slayer of Domiel 1, Sor/Wiz 1, Water 1, Weather 1, Wuj 1 V, S
1 min./level 20 ft. General
Effect: Cloud spreads in 20-ft. radius from you, 20 ft. high

Fog surrounds you.

A misty vapor arises around you. It is stationary once created. The vapor obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature 5 feet away has concealment (attacks have a 20% miss chance). Creatures farther away have total concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker cannot use sight to locate the target).

A moderate wind (11+ mph), such as from a gust of wind spell, disperses the fog in 4 rounds. A strong wind (21+ mph) disperses the fog in 1 round. A fireball, flame strike, or similar spell burns away the fog in the explosive or fiery spell's area. A wall of fire burns away the fog in the area into which it deals damage.

This spell does not function underwater.

Protection from Chaos
Abjuration [Lawful] 1 standard action SRD
Will negates (harmless) - No; see text Adp 1, Arc 1, Clr 1, EmBarachiel 1, HB 1, Law 1, Pal 1, Sor/Wiz 1, Wuj 1 V, S, M/DF
1 min./level (D) Touch 5 minutes
Target: Creature touched

+2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders.

This spell wards a creature from attacks by chaotic creatures, from mental control, and from summoned creatures. It creates a magical barrier around the subject at a distance of 1 foot. The barrier moves with the subject and has three major effects.

First, the subject gains a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saves. Both these bonuses apply against attacks made or effects created by chaotic creatures.

Second, the barrier blocks any attempt to possess the warded creature (by a magic jar attack, for example) or to exercise mental control over the creature (including enchantment (charm) effects and enchantment (compulsion) effects that grant the caster ongoing control over the subject, such as dominate person). The protection does not prevent such effects from targeting the protected creature, but it suppresses the effect for the duration of the protection from chaotic effect. If the protection from chaos effect ends before the effect granting mental control does, the would-be controller would then be able to mentally command the controlled creature. Likewise, the barrier keeps out a possessing life force but does not expel one if it is in place before the spell is cast. This second effect works regardless of alignment.

Third, the spell prevents bodily contact by summoned creatures. This causes the natural weapon attacks of such creatures to fail and the creatures to recoil if such attacks require touching the warded creature. Lawful summoned creatures are immune to this effect. The protection against contact by summoned creatures ends if the warded creature makes an attack against or tries to force the barrier against the blocked creature. Spell resistance can allow a creature to overcome this protection and touch the warded creature.

Protection from Evil
Abjuration [Good] 1 standard action SRD
Will negates (harmless) - No; see text Adp 1, APeace 1, Arc 1, ChamGwyn 1, Clr 1, Dem 1, EmBarachiel 1, Exorcism 1, Good 1, HB 1, Hlr 1, KotC 1, Pal 1, Sor/Wiz 1, Vassal of Bahamut 1, Wuj 1 V, S, M/DF
1 min./level (D) Touch 5 minutes
Target: Creature touched

+2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders.

This spell wards a creature from attacks by evil creatures, from mental control, and from summoned creatures. It creates a magical barrier around the subject at a distance of 1 foot. The barrier moves with the subject and has three major effects.

First, the subject gains a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saves. Both these bonuses apply against attacks made or effects created by evil creatures.

Second, the barrier blocks any attempt to possess the warded creature (by a magic jar attack, for example) or to exercise mental control over the creature (including enchantment (charm) effects and enchantment (compulsion) effects that grant the caster ongoing control over the subject, such as dominate person). The protection does not prevent such effects from targeting the protected creature, but it suppresses the effect for the duration of the protection from evil effect. If the protection from evil effect ends before the effect granting mental control does, the would-be controller would then be able to mentally command the controlled creature. Likewise, the barrier keeps out a possessing life force but does not expel one if it is in place before the spell is cast. This second effect works regardless of alignment.

Third, the spell prevents bodily contact by summoned creatures. This causes the natural weapon attacks of such creatures to fail and the creatures to recoil if such attacks require touching the warded creature. Good summoned creatures are immune to this effect. The protection against contact by summoned creatures ends if the warded creature makes an attack against or tries to force the barrier against the blocked creature. Spell resistance can allow a creature to overcome this protection and touch the warded creature.

Protection from Good
Abjuration [Evil] 1 standard action SRD
Will negates (harmless) - No; see text Adp 1, Arc 1, Clr 1, Dem 1, Evil 1, HB 1, MH 1, Sor/Wiz 1, Wuj 1 V, S, M/DF
1 min./level (D) Touch 5 minutes
Target: Creature touched

+2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders.

This spell wards a creature from attacks by good creatures, from mental control, and from summoned creatures. It creates a magical barrier around the subject at a distance of 1 foot. The barrier moves with the subject and has three major effects.

First, the subject gains a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saves. Both these bonuses apply against attacks made or effects created by good creatures.

Second, the barrier blocks any attempt to possess the warded creature (by a magic jar attack, for example) or to exercise mental control over the creature (including enchantment (charm) effects and enchantment (compulsion) effects that grant the caster ongoing control over the subject, such as dominate person). The protection does not prevent such effects from targeting the protected creature, but it suppresses the effect for the duration of the protection from chaotic effect. If the protection from good effect ends before the effect granting mental control does, the would-be controller would then be able to mentally command the controlled creature. Likewise, the barrier keeps out a possessing life force but does not expel one if it is in place before the spell is cast. This second effect works regardless of alignment.

Third, the spell prevents bodily contact by summoned creatures. This causes the natural weapon attacks of such creatures to fail and the creatures to recoil if such attacks require touching the warded creature. Evil summoned creatures are immune to this effect. The protection against contact by summoned creatures ends if the warded creature makes an attack against or tries to force the barrier against the blocked creature. Spell resistance can allow a creature to overcome this protection and touch the warded creature.

Protection from Law
Abjuration [Chaotic] 1 standard action SRD
Will negates (harmless) - No; see text Adp 1, Arc 1, Chaos 1, Clr 1, HB 1, Sor/Wiz 1, Wuj 1 V, S, M/DF
1 min./level (D) Touch 5 minutes
Target: Creature touched

+2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders.

This spell wards a creature from attacks by lawful creatures, from mental control, and from summoned creatures. It creates a magical barrier around the subject at a distance of 1 foot. The barrier moves with the subject and has three major effects.

First, the subject gains a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saves. Both these bonuses apply against attacks made or effects created by lawfulcreatures.

Second, the barrier blocks any attempt to possess the warded creature (by a magic jar attack, for example) or to exercise mental control over the creature (including enchantment (charm) effects and enchantment (compulsion) effects that grant the caster ongoing control over the subject, such as dominate person). The protection does not prevent such effects from targeting the protected creature, but it suppresses the effect for the duration of the protection from chaotic effect. If the protection from law effect ends before the effect granting mental control does, the would-be controller would then be able to mentally command the controlled creature. Likewise, the barrier keeps out a possessing life force but does not expel one if it is in place before the spell is cast. This second effect works regardless of alignment.

Third, the spell prevents bodily contact by summoned creatures. This causes the natural weapon attacks of such creatures to fail and the creatures to recoil if such attacks require touching the warded creature. Chaotic summoned creatures are immune to this effect. The protection against contact by summoned creatures ends if the warded creature makes an attack against or tries to force the barrier against the blocked creature. Spell resistance can allow a creature to overcome this protection and touch the warded creature.

Scales of the Lizard
    Complete Arcane
  Wuj 1  

You gain +1 +1/3 levels enhancement bonus to natural armor (max +5).

Secret Signs
    Complete Arcane
  Wuj 1  

Using nonverbal means, you can communicate a simple message to one other intelligent creature within range.

Abjuration [Force] 1 standard action SRD
- Sor/Wiz 1, Wuj 1 V, S
1 min./level (D) Personal 30 minutes
Target: You

Invisible disc gives +4 to AC, blocks magic missiles.

Shield creates an invisible, tower shield-sized mobile disk of force that hovers in front of you. It negates magic missile attacks directed at you. The disk also provides a +4 shield bonus to AC. This bonus applies against incorporeal touch attacks, since it is a force effect. The shield has no armor check penalty or arcane spell failure chance. Unlike with a normal tower shield, you can't use the shield spell for cover.

Silent Image
Illusion (Figment) 1 standard action SRD
Will disbelief (if interacted with) - No Arc 1, Beguiler 1, Brd 1, Gnome 1, Illusion 1, Shu 1, Sor/Wiz 1, Wuj 1 V, S, F
Concentration Long General
Effect: Visual figment that cannot extend beyond four 10-ft. cubes + one 10-ft. cube/level (S)

Creates minor illusion of your design.

This spell creates the visual illusion of an object, creature, or force, as visualized by you. The illusion does not create sound, smell, texture, or temperature. You can move the image within the limits of the size of the effect.

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] 1 round SRD
Will negates - Yes Adp 1, Arc 1, Asn 1, Beguiler 1, Brd 1, Dream 1, EmBarachiel 1, HB 1, MH 1, Shu 1, Sor/Wiz 1, Wmg 1, Wuj 1 V, S, M
1 min./level Medium General
Area: One or more living creatures within a 10-ft.-radius burst

Puts 4 HD of creatures into magical slumber.

A sleep spell causes a magical slumber to come upon 4 Hit Dice of creatures. Creatures with the fewest HD are affected first.

Among creatures with equal HD, those who are closest to the spells point of origin are affected first. Hit Dice that are not sufficient to affect a creature are wasted.

Sleeping creatures are helpless. Slapping or wounding awakens an affected creature, but normal noise does not. Awakening a creature is a standard action (an application of the aid another action).

Sleep does not target unconscious creatures, constructs, or undead creatures.

Smoke Ladder
    Complete Arcane
  Wuj 1  
    5 minutes

You create a misty ladder up to 10 feet long per caster level.

Summon Monster I
Conjuration (Summoning) [Varies] 1 round SRD
None - No Arc 1, Blk 1, Brd 1, Clr 1, Dem 1, KotC 1, Portal 1, Sor/Wiz 1, Summoner 1, Wuj 1 V, S, F/DF
1 round/level (D) Close General
Effect: One summoned creature

Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.

This spell summons an extraplanar creature (typically an outsider, elemental, or magical beast native to another plane). It appears where you designate and acts immediately, on your turn. It attacks your opponents to the best of its ability. If you can communicate with the creature, you can direct it not to attack, to attack particular enemies, or to perform other actions.

The spell conjures one of the creatures from the 1st-level list on the accompanying Summon Monster table. You choose which kind of creature to summon, and you can change that choice each time you cast the spell.

A summoned monster cannot summon or otherwise conjure another creature, nor can it use any teleportation or planar travel abilities. Creatures cannot be summoned into an environment that cannot support them.

When you use a summoning spell to summon an air, chaotic, earth, evil, fire, good, lawful, or water creature, it is a spell of that type.

Summon Monster Alignment
Celestial dog LG
Celestial owl LG
Celestial giant fire beetle NG
Celestial porpoise (1) NG
Celestial badger CG
Celestial monkey CG
Fiendish dire rat LE
Fiendish raven LE
Fiendish Medium monstrous centipede NE
Fiendish Small monstrous scorpion NE
Fiendish hawk CE
Fiendish small monstrous spider CE
Fiendish octopus (1) CE
Fiendish small viper snake CE

1) May be summoned only into an aquatic or watery environment.

True Strike
Divination 1 standard action SRD
- Asn 1, Duskblade 1, Elf 1, Fate 1, Sor/Wiz 1, Time 1, Wmg 1, Wuj 1 V, F
See text Personal 5 minutes
Target: You

+20 on your next attack roll.

Your next single attack roll (if it is made before the end of the next round) gains a +20 insight bonus. Additionally, you are not affected by the miss chance that applies to attackers trying to strike a concealed target.

Unseen Servant
Conjuration (Creation) 1 standard action SRD
None - No Brd 1, HB 1, Hoard 1, Sin-S 2, Sor/Wiz 1, Wuj 1 V, S, M
1 hour/level Close 6 hours
Effect: One invisible, mindless, shapeless servant

Invisible force obeys your commands.

An unseen servant is an invisible, mindless, shapeless force that performs simple tasks at your command. It can run and fetch things, open unstuck doors, and hold chairs, as well as clean and mend. The servant can perform only one activity at a time, but it repeats the same activity over and over again if told to do so as long as you remain within range. It can open only normal doors, drawers, lids, and the like. It has an effective Strength score of 2 (so it can lift 20 pounds or drag 100 pounds). It can trigger traps and such, but it can exert only 20 pounds of force, which is not enough to activate certain pressure plates and other devices. It can't perform any task that requires a skill check with a DC higher than 10 or that requires a check using a skill that can't be used untrained. Its speed is 15 feet.

The servant cannot attack in any way; it is never allowed an attack roll. It cannot be killed, but it dissipates if it takes 6 points of damage from area attacks. (It gets no saves against attacks.) If you attempt to send it beyond the spell's range (measured from your current position), the servant ceases to exist.

Illusion (Figment) 1 standard action SRD
Will disbelief (if interacted with) - No Brd 1, EmBarachiel 1, Sor/Wiz 1, Wuj 1 V, F
1 min./level (D) Close 5 minutes
Effect: Intelligible sound, usually speech

Throws voice for 1 min./level.

You can make your voice (or any sound that you can normally make vocally) seem to issue from someplace else. You can speak in any language you know. With respect to such voices and sounds, anyone who hears the sound and rolls a successful save recognizes it as illusory (but still hears it).