Name | Haze |
Base | 0 |
Accuracy | |
Power Points | 30 |
Type | Ice |
Special | Normal |
Range | Entire field |
Contacts Other Pokemon | No |
Contest Type | beauty |
Appeals | 3 |
Jams | 0 |
Red Machine | |
Gold Machine | |
Ruby Machine | |
Diamond Machine | |
Black/White Machine | |
Battle | Resets all Pokemon's stats, accuracy, and evasion. |
Contest | Removes all stars from all Pokemon that have appealed this turn. |
Squirtle | Water | E |
Wartortle | Water | P |
Blastoise | Water | P |
Ekans | Poison | 41 |
Arbok | Poison | 51 P |
Zubat | Poison Flying | 41 |
Golbat | Poison Flying | 51 P |
Poliwag | Water | E |
Poliwhirl | Water | P |
Poliwrath | Water Fighting | P |
Tentacool | Water Poison | E |
Tentacruel | Water Poison | P |
Doduo | Normal Flying | E |
Dodrio | Normal Flying | P |
Grimer | Poison | E |
Muk | Poison | P |
Gastly | Ghost Poison | E |
Haunter | Ghost Poison | P |
Gengar | Ghost Poison | P |
Krabby | Water | E |
Kingler | Water | P |
Koffing | Poison | 33 |
Weezing | Poison | 33 P |
Goldeen | Water | E |
Seaking | Water | P |
Vaporeon | Water | 57 |
Omanyte | Rock Water | E |
Omastar | Rock Water | P |
Dratini | Dragon | E |
Dragonair | Dragon | P |
Dragonite | Dragon Flying | P |
Crobat | Poison Flying | 51 P |
Natu | Psychic Flying | E |
Xatu | Psychic Flying | P |
Politoed | Water | P |
Wooper | Water Ground | 43 |
Quagsire | Water Ground | 48 P |
Murkrow | Dark Flying | 11 |
Qwilfish | Water Poison | E |
Remoraid | Water | E |
Octillery | Water | P |
Mantine | Water Flying | EP |
Surskit | Bug Water | 37 |
Masquerain | Bug Flying | P |
Swablu | Normal Flying | E |
Altaria | Dragon Flying | P |
Seviper | Poison | 43 |
Feebas | Water | E |
Milotic | Water | P |
Drifloon | Ghost Flying | E |
Drifblim | Ghost Flying | P |
Honchkrow | Dark Flying | 1 P |
Stunky | Poison Dark | E |
Skuntank | Poison Dark | P |
Mantyke | Water Flying | E |
Darkrai | Dark | 57 |
Yamask | Ghost | 9 |
Cofagrigus | Ghost | 1 P |
Cofagrigus | Ghost | 9 P |
Trubbish | Poison | E |
Garbodor | Poison | P |
Litwick | Ghost Fire | E |
Lampent | Ghost Fire | P |
Chandelure | Ghost Fire | P |
Cryogonal | Ice | 21 |