Index of Spells by Level - Brd 4

School Casting Time Source Book
Save - Res Level Comps
Dur Range Recharge
Expensive Focus
Expensive Material
XP Cost
Full Description
Blinding Beauty
    Book of Exalted Deeds
  Arc 4, Brd 4, BVal 4, Drd 4, Fey 4, Rgr 4  

Permanently blind any who look at you.

Break Enchantment
Abjuration 1 minute SRD
See text - No Adp 5, APeace 5, Arc 5, Beguiler 5, Brd 4, ChamGwyn 4, Clr 5, EmBarachiel 4, HB 4, Hlr 5, Liberation 5, Luck 5, Pal 4, Sor/Wiz 5, Spell 5 V, S
Instant Close 1 hour
Targets: Up to one creature per level, all within 30 ft. of each other

Frees subjects from enchantments, alterations, curses, and petrification.

This spell frees victims from enchantments, transmutations, and curses. Break enchantment can reverse even an instantaneous effect. For each such effect, you make a caster level check (1d20 + caster level, maximum +15) against a DC of 11 + caster level of the effect. Success means that the creature is free of the spell, curse, or effect. For a cursed magic item, the DC is 25.

If the spell is one that cannot be dispelled by dispel magic, break enchantment works only if that spell is 5th level or lower.

If the effect comes from some permanent magic item break enchantment does not remove the curse from the item, but it does frees the victim from the items effects.

Cacophonic Shield
  Brd 4, Sor/Wiz 5  
    5 minutes

Immobile shield blocks sound, deflects missiles, deals 1d6+1/level and deafens intruders.

  Brd 4  

Intoxicate Subjects.

  Brd 4, Sor/Wiz 4  

Take a standard action immediately, but be dazed for a round.

Mass Charm Person
  Brd 4, Sor/Wiz 5  
    6 hours

As charm person, but all within 30 feet.

    Song and Silence
  Brd 4  

Creates illusory accompanists; +2 on Perform checks.

Cure Critical Wounds
Conjuration (Healing) [Positive] 1 standard action SRD
Will half (harmless); see text - Yes (harmless); see text Adp 4, APeace 4, Arc 4, Blk 4, Brd 4, BVal 4, Clr 4, Drd 5, EmBarachiel 4, Healing 4, Hlr 4, HotD 4, Shu 4 V, S
Instant Touch General
Target: Creature touched

Cures 4d8 damage +1/level (max +20).

When laying your hand upon a living creature, you channel positive energy that cures 4d8 points of damage +1 point per caster level (maximum +20).

Since undead are powered by negative energy, this spell deals damage to them instead of curing their wounds. An undead creature can apply spell resistance, and can attempt a Will save to take half damage.

Detect Scrying
Divination 1 standard action SRD
None - No Arc 4, Brd 4, HB 4, Planning 5, Shu 4, Sor/Wiz 4, Wealth 4 V, S, M
1 day 40 ft. General
Area: 40-ft.-radius emanation centered on you

Alerts you of magical eavesdropping.

You immediately become aware of any attempt to observe you by means of a divination (scrying) spell or effect. The spells area radiates from you and moves as you move. You know the location of every magical sensor within the spells area.

If the scrying attempt originates within the area, you also know its location; otherwise, you and the scrier immediately make opposed caster level checks (1d20 + caster level). If you at least match the scriers result, you get a visual image of the scrier and an accurate sense of his or her direction and distance from you.

Dimension Door
Conjuration (Teleportation) 1 standard action SRD
None and Will negates (object) - No and Yes (object) Arc 5, Asn 4, Brd 4, Duskblade 4, HB 4, Hoard 4, Portal 4, Portal (alt) 4, Shu 5, Slayer of Domiel 4, Sor/Wiz 4, Travel 4, Wuj 4 V
Instant Long General
Target: You and touched objects or other touched willing creatures

Teleports you short distance.

You instantly transfer yourself from your current location to any other spot within range. You always arrive at exactly the spot desired-whether by simply visualizing the area or by stating direction. After using this spell, you can't take any other actions until your next turn. You can bring along objects as long as their weight doesnt exceed your maximum load. You may also bring one additional willing Medium or smaller creature (carrying gear or objects up to its maximum load) or its equivalent per three caster levels. A Large creature counts as two Medium creatures, a Huge creature counts as two Large creatures, and so forth. All creatures to be transported must be in contact with one another, and at least one of those creatures must be in contact with you.

If you arrive in a place that is already occupied by a solid body, you and each creature traveling with you take 1d6 points of damage and are shunted to a random open space on a suitable surface within 100 feet of the intended location.

If there is no free space within 100 feet, you and each creature traveling with you take an additional 2d6 points of damage and are shunted to a free space within 1,000 feet. If there is no free space within 1,000 feet, you and each creature travelling with you take an additional 4d6 points of damage and the spell simply fails.

Dispel Water
  Arc 5, Brd 4, Clr 5, Drd 4, Sor/Wiz 5, Thirst 4  

Cancels water spells and effects or dismisses water creatures.

Dolorous Motes
    Book of Exalted Deeds
  Brd 4, Sor/Wiz 3  

Creates clouds of flickering light (1 10-ft. cube/level) that dazes creatures.

Dominate Person
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] 1 round SRD
Will negates - Yes Beguiler 5, Brd 4, Domination 4, HB 4, Sor/Wiz 5, Wuj 5 V, S
1 day/level Close 1 hour
Target: One humanoid

Controls humanoid telepathically.

You can control the actions of any humanoid creature through a telepathic link that you establish with the subjects mind.

If you and the subject have a common language, you can generally force the subject to perform as you desire, within the limits of its abilities. If no common language exists, you can communicate only basic commands, such as Come here, Go there, Fight, and Stand still. You know what the subject is experiencing, but you do not receive direct sensory input from it, nor can it communicate with you telepathically.

Once you have given a dominated creature a command, it continues to attempt to carry out that command to the exclusion of all other activities except those necessary for day-to-day survival (such as sleeping, eating, and so forth). Because of this limited range of activity, a Sense Motive check against DC 15 (rather than DC 25) can determine that the subjects behavior is being influenced by an enchantment effect (see the Sense Motive skill description).

Changing your instructions or giving a dominated creature a new command is the equivalent of redirecting a spell, so it is a move action.

By concentrating fully on the spell (a standard action), you can receive full sensory input as interpreted by the mind of the subject, though it still can't communicate with you. You can't actually see through the subjects eyes, so it's not as good as being there yourself, but you still get a good idea of what's going on.

Subjects resist this control, and any subject forced to take actions against its nature receives a new saving throw with a +2 bonus. Obviously self-destructive orders are not carried out. Once control is established, the range at which it can be exercised is unlimited, as long as you and the subject are on the same plane. You need not see the subject to control it.

If you don't spend at least 1 round concentrating on the spell each day, the subject receives a new saving throw to throw off the domination.

Protection from evil or a similar spell can prevent you from exercising control or using the telepathic link while the subject is so warded, but such an effect neither prevents the establishment of domination nor dispels it.

Drums of War (F)
  Brd 4  

Enemies take -2 penalty on attacks and saves.

Ethereal Mount
  Brd 4, Sor/Wiz 4  
    6 hours

Creates ethereal mounts.

Fire Dance
    Far Corners of the World
  Brd 4  

Perform (dance) DC 15 + 2/round, gain fire immunity, cast off light. End dance with ray of heat or personal healing 1d6/level. Failure results in fatigue and no ray of heat or healing.

  Arc 5, Brd 4, Drd 5, Sor/Wiz 5  
    4 hours

You can scry creatures in contact with a body of water.

Follow the Leader (F)
    Song and Silence
  Brd 4  

Causes 1 HD/level of creatures to follow.

Freedom of Movement
Abjuration 1 standard action SRD
Will negates (harmless) - Yes (harmless) APeace 4, Arc 4, Asn 4, Beguiler 4, Blk 4, Brd 4, BVal 4, ChamGwyn 4, Clr 4, Drd 4, Halfling 4, Hlr 4, Hoard 4, HotD 4, Liberation 4, Luck 4, Ocean 4, Rgr 4, Slayer of Domiel 4, Time 4 V, S, M, DF
10 min./level Personal or touch 1 hour
Target: You or creature touched

Subject moves normally despite impediments.

This spell enables you or a creature you touch to move and attack normally for the duration of the spell, even under the influence of magic that usually impedes movement, such as paralysis, solid fog, slow, and web. The subject automatically succeeds on any grapple check made to resist a grapple attempt, as well as on grapple checks or Escape Artist checks made to escape a grapple or a pin.

The spell also allows the subject to move and attack normally while underwater, even with slashing weapons such as axes and swords or with bludgeoning weapons such as flails, hammers, and maces, provided that the weapon is wielded in the hand rather than hurled. The freedom of movement spell does not, however, allow water breathing.

Fugue (F)
  Brd 4  

The target is hindered or harmed in a manner dictated by your Perform skill.

Hallucinatory Terrain
Illusion (Glamer) 10 minutes SRD
Will disbelief (if interacted with) - No Arc 4, Brd 4, Gnome 5, Shu 4, Sor/Wiz 4 V, S, M
2 hours/level (D) Long 6 hours
Area: One 30-ft. cube/level (S)

Makes one type of terrain appear like another (field into forest, or the like).

You make natural terrain look, sound, and smell like some other sort of natural terrain. Structures, equipment, and creatures within the area are not hidden or changed in appearance.

Greater Harmonize
    Races of Stone
  Brd 4  
    5 minutes

Same as Harmonize, but more powerful.

Hold Monster
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] 1 standard action SRD
Will negates; see text - Yes Beguiler 5, Bestial 6, Brd 4, Duskblade 5, EmBarachiel 4, Law 6, Sor/Wiz 5, Wuj 5 V, S, M/DF
1 round/level (D); see text Medium General
Target: One living creature

As hold person, but any creature.

The subject becomes paralyzed and freezes in place. It is aware and breathes normally but cannot take any actions, even speech. Each round on its turn, the subject may attempt a new saving throw to end the effect. (This is a full-round action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.)

A winged creature who is paralyzed cannot flap its wings and falls. A swimmer can't swim and may drown.

Insidious Suggestion
  Brd 4, Sor/Wiz 5  

Suggestion repeats over and over in creature's mind.

Inspired Aim
    Book of Exalted Deeds
  Arc 3, Brd 4, Clr 3, Fey 3, Rgr 3  

Allies within 40 ft. gain +2 insight bonus on ranged attack rolls.

Greater Invisibility
Illusion (Glamer) 1 standard action SRD
Will negates (harmless) - Yes (harmless) or Yes (harmless, object) Arc 5, Asn 4, Beguiler 4, Brd 4, HB 4, Shu 5, Slayer of Domiel 4, Sor/Wiz 4, Wuj 4 V, S
1 round/level (D) Personal or touch General
Target: You or creature touched

As invisibility, but subject can attack and stay invisible.

This spell functions like invisibility, except that it doesnt end if the subject attacks.

Lay of the Land
  Arc 1, Brd 4, Drd 4, Rgr 1  

You gain an overview of the geography around you.

Legend Lore (M) (F)
Divination See text SRD
- Brd 4, Knowledge 7, Oracle 6, Sor/Wiz 6 V, S, M, F
See text Personal General
Target: You
Focus: Four strips of ivory (worth 50 gp each) formed into a rectangle.
Materials: Incense worth at least 250 gp.

Lets you learn tales about a person, place, or thing.

Legend lore brings to your mind legends about an important person, place, or thing. If the person or thing is at hand, or if you are in the place in question, the casting time is only 1d4x10 minutes. If you have only detailed information on the person, place, or thing, the casting time is 1d10 days, and the resulting lore is less complete and specific (though it often provides enough information to help you find the person, place, or thing, thus allowing a better legend lore result next time). If you know only rumors, the casting time is 2d6 weeks, and the resulting lore is vague and incomplete (though it often directs you to more detailed information, thus allowing a better legend lore result next time).

During the casting, you cannot engage in other than routine activities: eating, sleeping, and so forth. When completed, the divination brings legends (if any) about the person, place, or things to your mind. These may be legends that are still current, legends that have been forgotten, or even information that has never been generally known. If the person, place, or thing is not of legendary importance, you gain no information. As a rule of thumb, characters who are 11th level and higher are legendary, as are the sorts of creatures they contend with, the major magic items they wield, and the places where they perform their key deeds.

Locate Creature
Divination 1 standard action SRD
None - No Arc 4, Asn 4, Beguiler 4, Brd 4, MH 4, Shu 4, Sor/Wiz 4, Wuj 4 V, S, M
10 min./level Long 4 hours
Area: Circle, centered on you, with a radius of 400 ft. + 40 ft./level

Indicates direction to familiar creature.

You sense the direction of a known or familiar creature. You slowly turn and sense when you are facing in the direction of the creature to be located, provided it is within range. You also know in which direction the creature is moving, if any.

The spell can locate a creature of a specific kind or a specific creature known to you. It cannot find a creature of a certain type. To find a kind of creature, you must have seen such a creature up close (within 30 feet) at least once.

Running water blocks the spell. It cannot detect objects. It can be fooled by mislead, nondetection, and polymorph spells.

Mirror Image, Greater
  Beguiler 4, Brd 4, Sor/Wiz 4  

As mirror image*, but gain an additional image each round.

Modify Memory
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] 1 round; see text SRD
Will negates - Yes Asn 4, Brd 4, Mental 4 V, S
Permanent Close General
Target: One living creature

Changes 5 minutes of subjects memories.

You reach into the subjects mind and modify as many as 5 minutes of its memories in one of the following ways.

Eliminate all memory of an event the subject actually experienced. This spell cannot negate charm, geas/quest, suggestion, or similar spells.

Allow the subject to recall with perfect clarity an event it actually experienced.

Change the details of an event the subject actually experienced.

Implant a memory of an event the subject never experienced.

Casting the spell takes 1 round. If the subject fails to save, you proceed with the spell by spending as much as 5 minutes (a period of time equal to the amount of memory time you want to modify) visualizing the memory you wish to modify in the subject. If your concentration is disturbed before the visualization is complete, or if the subject is ever beyond the spells range during this time, the spell is lost.

A modified memory does not necessarily affect the subjects actions, particularly if it contradicts the creatures natural inclinations. An illogical modified memory is dismissed by the creature as a bad dream or a memory muddied by too much wine.

Neutralize Poison
Conjuration (Healing) 1 standard action SRD
Will negates (harmless, object) - Yes (harmless, object) Adp 3, APeace 4, Arc 4, Brd 4, BVal 3, ChamGwyn 4, Clr 4, Drd 3, Feast 4, Hlr 3, Pal 4, Rgr 3, Shu 4 V, S, M/DF
10 min./level Touch 1 hour
Target: Creature or object of up to 1 cu. ft./level touched

Immunizes subject against poison, detoxifies venom in or on subject.

You detoxify any sort of venom in the creature or object touched. A poisoned creature suffers no additional effects from the poison, and any temporary effects are ended, but the spell does not reverse instantaneous effects, such as hit point damage, temporary ability damage, or effects that don't go away on their own.

The creature is immune to any poison it is exposed to during the duration of the spell. Unlike with delay poison, such effects aren't postponed until after the duration the creature need not make any saves against poison effects applied to it during the length of the spell.

This spell can instead neutralize the poison in a poisonous creature or object for the duration of the spell, at the caster's option.

Improved Portal Alarm
  Brd 4, Sor/Wiz 4  

As the portal alarm spell, and may be mental, audible, or both.

Portal View
  Brd 4, Portal (alt) 3, Sor/Wiz 4  
    5 minutes

Turns target portal transparent.

Rainbow Pattern
Illusion (Pattern) 1 standard action SRD
Will negates - Yes Beguiler 4, Brd 4, Sor/Wiz 4 V, S, M, F, text
Concentration + 1 round/level (D) Medium General
Effect: Colorful lights with a 20-ft.-radius spread

Lights fascinate 24 HD of creatures.

A glowing, rainbow-hued pattern of interweaving colors fascinates those within it. Rainbow pattern fascinates a maximum of 24 Hit Dice of creatures. Creatures with the fewest HD are affected first. Among creatures with equal HD, those who are closest to the spell's point of origin are affected first. An affected creature that fails its saves is fascinated by the pattern.

With a simple gesture (a free action), you can make the rainbow pattern move up to 30 feet per round (moving its effective point of origin). All fascinated creatures follow the moving rainbow of light, trying to get or remain within the effect. Fascinated creatures who are restrained and removed from the pattern still try to follow it. If the pattern leads its subjects into a dangerous area each fascinated creature gets a second save. If the view of the lights is completely blocked creatures who can't see them are no longer affected.

The spell does not affect sightless creatures.

Verbal Component: A wizard or sorcerer need not utter a sound to cast this spell, but a bard must sing, play music, or recite a rhyme as a verbal component.

Repel Vermin
Abjuration 1 standard action SRD
None or Will negates; see text - Yes APeace 4, Arc 4, Blg 4, Brd 4, Clr 4, Drd 4, HB 3, Rgr 3 V, S, DF
10 min./level (D) 10 ft. 4 hours
Area: 10-ft.-radius emanation centered on you

Insects, spiders, and other vermin stay 10 ft. away.

An invisible barrier holds back vermin. A vermin with Hit Dice of less than one-third your level cannot penetrate the barrier.

A vermin with Hit Dice of one-third your level or more can penetrate the barrier if it succeeds on a Will save. Even so, crossing the barrier deals the vermin 2d6 points of damage, and pressing against the barrier causes pain, which deters most vermin.

Greater Resistance
  Arc 4, Brd 4, Clr 4, Drd 4, Sor/Wiz 4  
    24 hours

Subject gains +3 on saving throws.

Resonating Bolt
    Complete Arcane
  Brd 4, Sor/Wiz 3  

60 ft. line deals 1d4/level (max 10d4) sonic damage.

Ruin Delver's Fortune
    Far Corners of the World
  Brd 4  

Temporarily gain a benefit that will last for a short while. Benefits include Bonus to Fort, Reflex, Will, HP, SR, or AC.

Secure Shelter
Conjuration (Creation) 10 minutes SRD
None - No Brd 4, Cavern 4, Feast 5, Sor/Wiz 4 V, S, M, F, text
2 hours/level (D) Close 12 hours
Effect: 20-ft.-square structure

Creates sturdy cottage.

You conjure a sturdy cottage or lodge made of material that is common in the area where the spell is cast. The floor is level, clean, and dry. In all respects the lodging resembles a normal cottage, with a sturdy door, two shuttered windows, and a small fireplace.

The shelter has no heating or cooling source (other than natural insulation qualities). Therefore, it must be heated as a normal dwelling, and extreme heat adversely affects it and its occupants. The dwelling does, however, provide considerable security otherwise-it is as strong as a normal stone building, regardless of its material composition. The dwelling resists flames and fire as if it were stone. It is impervious to normal missiles (but not the sort cast by siege engines or giants).

The door, shutters, and even chimney are secure against intrusion, the former two being arcane locked and the latter secured by an iron grate at the top and a narrow flue. In addition, these three areas are protected by an alarm spell. Finally, an unseen servant is conjured to provide service to you for the duration of the shelter.

The secure shelter contains rude furnishings eight bunks, a trestle table, eight stools, and a writing desk.

Additional Component matrials include the components of the unseen servant spell (string and a bit of wood) if this benefit is to be included.

Focus: The focus of the alarm spell (silver wire and a tiny bell) if this benefit is to be included.

Shadow Conjuration
Illusion (Shadow) 1 standard action SRD
Will disbelief (if interacted with); varies; see text - Yes; see text Brd 4, Shadow 4, Sor/Wiz 4 V, S
See text See text General
Effect: See text

Mimics conjuring below 4th level, but only 20% real.

You use material from the Plane of Shadow to shape quasi-real illusions of one or more creatures, objects, or forces. Shadow conjuration can mimic any sorcerer or wizard conjuration (summoning) or conjuration (creation) spell of 3rd level or lower.

Shadow conjurations are actually one-fifth (20%) as strong as the real things, though creatures who believe the shadow conjurations to be real are affected by them at full strength.

Any creature that interacts with the conjured object, force, or creature can make a Will save to recognize its true nature.

Spells that deal damage have normal effects unless the affected creature succeeds on a Will save. Each disbelieving creature takes only one-fifth (20%) damage from the attack. If the disbelieved attack has a special effect other than damage, that effect is only 20% likely to occur. Regardless of the result of the save to disbelieve, an affected creature is also allowed any save that the spell being simulated allows, but the save DC is set according to shadow conjurations level (4th) rather than the spells normal level. In addition, any effect created by shadow conjuration allows spell resistance, even if the spell it is simulating does not. Shadow objects or substances have normal effects except against those who disbelieve them.

Against disbelievers, they are 20% likely to work.

A shadow creature has one-fifth the hit points of a normal creature of its kind (regardless of whether its recognized as shadowy). It deals normal damage and has all normal abilities and weaknesses. Against a creature that recognizes it as a shadow creature, however, the shadow creature's damage is one-fifth (20%) normal, and all special abilities that do not deal lethal damage are only 20% likely to work. (Roll for each use and each affected character separately.) Furthermore, the shadow creatures AC bonuses are one-fifth as large.

A creature that succeeds on its save sees the shadow conjurations as transparent images superimposed on vague, shadowy forms.

Objects automatically succeed on their Will saves against this spell.

Evocation [Sonic] 1 standard action SRD
Fortitude partial or Reflex negates (object); see text - Yes (object) Brd 4, Duskblade 4, KotC 3, Sin-W 4, Sor/Wiz 4, Wmg 4, Wuj 4 V
Instant 30 ft. General
Area: Cone-shaped burst

Deafens all within cone and deals 5d6 sonic damage.

You emit an ear-splitting yell that deafens and damages creatures in its path. Any creature within the area is deafened for 2d6 rounds and takes 5d6 points of sonic damage. A successful save negates the deafness and reduces the damage by half. Any exposed brittle or crystalline object or crystalline creature takes 1d6 points of sonic damage per caster level (maximum 15d6). An affected creature is allowed a Fortitude save to reduce the damage by half, and a creature holding fragile objects can negate damage to them with a successful Reflex save.

A shout spell cannot penetrate a silence spell.

Sirine's Grace (M)
    Far Corners of the World
  Arc 5, Brd 4, Drd 5  

Grants +4 to Cha and Dex. Adds Cha Modifier deflection bonus to AC. +8 to Perform checks. 1d4 Int touch attack.

Speak with Plants
Divination 1 standard action SRD
- Arc 2, Brd 4, Drd 3, Rgr 2 V, S
1 min./level Personal 30 minutes
Target: You

You can talk to normal plants and plant creatures.

You can comprehend and communicate with plants, including both normal plants and plant creatures. You are able to ask questions of and receive answers from plants. A regular plants sense of its surroundings is limited, so it won't be able to give (or recognize) detailed descriptions of creatures or answer questions about events outside its immediate vicinity.

The spell doesn't make plant creatures any more friendly or cooperative than normal. Furthermore, wary and cunning plant creatures are likely to be terse and evasive, while the more stupid ones may make inane comments. If a plant creature is friendly toward you, it may do some favor or service for you.

Spectral Weapon
    Complete Adventurer
  Asn 3, Brd 4, HB 3, Sor/Wiz 3  

Creates a quasi-real weapon.

Spell Theft
  Brd 4, HB 4, Sor/Wiz 5  

Dispel spells on target and gain their benefit

for yourself.

Stone Shatter
    Magic of Faerun
  Brd 4  

Shatter a stone object or creature.

Summon Monster IV
Conjuration (Summoning) 1 round SRD
None - No Arc 4, Blk 4, Brd 4, Clr 4, Dem 4, Sor/Wiz 4, Wuj 4 V, S, F/DF
1 round/level (D) Close General
Effect: One or more summoned creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart

Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.

This spell functions like summon monster I, except that you can summon one creature from the 4th-level list, 1d3 creatures of the same kind from the 3rd-level list (summon monster III), or 1d4+1 creatures of the same kind from a lower-level list (summon monster I, summon monster II).

Summon Monster IV List
Monster Alignment
Lantern Archon LG
Celestial giant owl LG
Celestial giant eagle CG
Celestial lion CG
Air Mephit N
Earth Mephit N
Fire Mephit N
Water Mephit N
Mephit (any) N
Fiendish dire wolf LE
Fiendish giant wasp LE
Fiendish giant praying mantis NE
Fiendish Large shark1 NE
Yeth hound NE
Fiendish Large monstrous spider CE
Fiendish Huge viper snake CE
Howler CE

1) May be summoned only into an aquatic or watery environment.

Daily Temporary Soul Binding
Conjuration (Teleportation) 1 minute ATB
Will negates (harmless, object) - No Arc 4, Blk 4, Brd 4, Clr 4, Drd 4, Pal 4, Rgr 4, Sor/Wiz 4 V, S, M
4 hours/level or until discharged Touch 24 hours
Targets: 1 Creature and 1 item

As Temporary Soul Binding, except 4 hours/level.

As Temporary Soul Binding, except 4 hours/level.

Mass Undeniable Gravity
  Brd 4, Sor/Wiz 4  
    30 minutes

Flying creatures lose flying ability.

    Complete Arcane
  Brd 4, HB 4, Sor/Wiz 4  

All actions involving random elements are rolled twice and the worse roll is used.

Voice of the Dragon
  Brd 4, Dragon 4, Sor/Wiz 4  
    1 hour

+10 on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks; can use one suggestion.

Wall of Dispel Magic
  Arc 5, Brd 4, Clr 5, Drd 5, Sor/Wiz 5  
    5 minutes

Creatures passing through a transparent wall becomes subject of targeted dispel magic.

War Cry
    Complete Adventurer
  Brd 4  

Swift. Gain +2 morale bonus on attack and damage rolls, or +4 if you charge, for 1 round/level. Any opponent you damage must save or become panicked for 1 round.

Watchful Ancestors
  Arc 4, Brd 4, Clr 4, Sor/Wiz 4  

Spiritual manifestations prevent you from being flanked and grant insight bonus on one Reflex save.

Zone of Silence
Illusion (Glamer) 1 round SRD
- Beguiler 3, Brd 4 V, S
1 hour/level (D) Personal 24 hours
Area: 5-ft.-radius emanation centered on you

Keeps eavesdroppers from overhearing conversations.

By casting zone of silence, you manipulate sound waves in your immediate vicinity so that you and those within the spells area can converse normally, yet no one outside can hear your voices or any other noises from within, including language-dependent or sonic spell effects. This effect is centered on you and moves with you. Anyone who enters the zone immediately becomes subject to its effects, but those who leave are no longer affected. Note, however, that a successful Spot check to read lips can still reveal whats said inside a zone of silence.