Index of Monsters by Search Results

Name Map Tool Token Link Family Type Size CR
1st-Level Warrior AasimarRPTok Planetouched Outsider Medium 1/2
Abeil QueenRPTok Abeil Monstrous Humanoid Medium 12
Abeil SoldierRPTok Abeil Monstrous Humanoid Large 6
Abeil VassalRPTok Abeil Monstrous Humanoid Medium 2
AbolethRPTok Aboleth Aberration Huge 7
10th-Level Wizard Aboleth MageRPTok Aboleth Aberration Huge 17
Psionic AbolethRPTok Aboleth, Psionic Aberration Huge 7
Abyssal MawRPTok Demon Outsider Medium 2
Abyssal RavagerRPTok Demon Outsider Large 5
Abyssal SkulkerRPTok Demon Outsider Small 2
AchaieraiRPTok Achaierai Outsider Large 5
Adamantine GolemRPTok Golem Construct Huge 25
Adamantine HorrorRPTok Clockwork Horror Construct Small 9
AdvespaRPTok Devil Outsider Large 3
Elder Air ElementalRPTok Elemental Elemental Huge 11
Greater Air ElementalRPTok Elemental Elemental Huge 9
Huge Air ElementalRPTok Elemental Elemental Huge 7
Large Air ElementalRPTok Elemental Elemental Large 5
Medium Air ElementalRPTok Elemental Elemental Medium 3
Primal Air ElementalRPTok Elemental, Primal Elemental Colossal 35
Small Air ElementalRPTok Elemental Elemental Small 1
Tiny Air ElementalRPTok Tiny Elemental Elemental Tiny 1/2
Air WeirdRPTok Elemental Weird Elemental Large 12
AllipRPTok Allip Undead Medium 3
AllosaurusRPTok Dinosaur Animal Huge 7
Adult Amethyst DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Huge 15
Ancient Amethyst DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Gargantuan 22
Great wyrm Amethyst DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Gargantuan 26
Juvenile Amethyst DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Large 9
Mature adult Amethyst DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Huge 17
Old Amethyst DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Huge 19
Very old Amethyst DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Huge 20
Very young Amethyst DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Medium 5
Wyrm Amethyst DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Gargantuan 24
Wyrmling Amethyst DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Small 4
Young Amethyst DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Medium 7
Young adult Amethyst DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Large 12
AmnizuRPTok Devil Outsider Medium 7
AnaximRPTok Abomination Construct Medium 22
AndrosphinxRPTok Sphinx Magical Beast Large 9
Astral Deva AngelRPTok Angel Outsider Medium 14
Planetar AngelRPTok Angel Outsider Large 16
Solar AngelRPTok Angel Outsider Large 23
Colossal Animated ObjectRPTok Animated Object Construct Colossal 10
Gargantuan Animated ObjectRPTok Animated Object Construct Gargantuan 7
Huge Animated ObjectRPTok Animated Object Construct Huge 5
Large Animated ObjectRPTok Animated Object Construct Large 3
Medium Animated ObjectRPTok Animated Object Construct Medium 2
Small Animated ObjectRPTok Animated Object Construct Small 1
Tiny Animated ObjectRPTok Animated Object Construct Tiny 1/2
AnkhegRPTok Ankheg Magical Beast Large 3
AnkylosaurusRPTok Dinosaur Animal Huge 7
AnnisRPTok Hag Monstrous Humanoid Large 6
ApeRPTok Ape Animal Large 2
Dire ApeRPTok Dire Animal Animal Large 3
Legendary ApeRPTok Legendary Animals Animal Medium 7
AraneaRPTok Aranea Magical Beast Medium 4
ArcanalothRPTok Yugoloth Outsider Medium 17
Adult ArrowhawkRPTok Arrowhawk Outsider Medium 5
Elder ArrowhawkRPTok Arrowhawk Outsider Large 8
Juvenile ArrowhawkRPTok Arrowhawk Outsider Small 3
Ash RatRPTok Ash Rat Magical Beast Small 1
AsperiRPTok Asperi Magical Beast Large 4
Assassin VineRPTok Assassin Vine Plant Large 3
1st-Level Astral ConstructRPTok Astral Construct Construct Small 1/2
2nd-Level Astral ConstructRPTok Astral Construct Construct Medium 1
3rd-Level Astral ConstructRPTok Astral Construct Construct Medium 2
4th-Level Astral ConstructRPTok Astral Construct Construct Medium 3
5th-Level Astral ConstructRPTok Astral Construct Construct Large 5
6th-Level Astral ConstructRPTok Astral Construct Construct Large 7
7th-Level Astral ConstructRPTok Astral Construct Construct Large 8
8th-Level Astral ConstructRPTok Astral Construct Construct Large 9
9th-Level Astral ConstructRPTok Astral Construct Construct Huge 10
AthachRPTok Athach Aberration Huge 8
AtropalRPTok Abomination Undead Large 30
Average PsurlonRPTok Psurlon Aberration Medium 5
AvolakiaRPTok Avolakia Aberration Large 10
AvoralRPTok Avoral Outsider Medium 9
AzerRPTok Azer Outsider Medium 2
BabauRPTok Demon Outsider Medium 6
BaboonRPTok Baboon Animal Medium 1/2
BadgerRPTok Badger Animal Small 1/2
Dire BadgerRPTok Dire Animal Animal Medium 2
Baleen WhaleRPTok Whale Animal Gargantuan 6
BalorRPTok Demon Outsider Large 20
BansheeRPTok Banshee Undead Medium 17
Barbed DevilRPTok Devil Outsider Medium 11
BarghestRPTok Barghest Outsider Medium 4
Greater BarghestRPTok Barghest Outsider Large 5
BasiliskRPTok Basilisk Magical Beast Medium 5
Abyssal Greater BasiliskRPTok Basilisk Outsider Large 12
BatRPTok Bat Animal Diminutive 1/10
Bat SwarmRPTok Swarm Animal Diminutive 2
Dire BatRPTok Dire Animal Animal Large 2
Black BearRPTok Bear, Black Animal Medium 2
Brown BearRPTok Bear, Brown Animal Large 4
Dire BearRPTok Dire Animal Animal Large 7
Legendary BearRPTok Legendary Animal Animal Large 9
Legendary BearRPTok Legendary Animals Animal Large 9
Polar BearRPTok Bear, Polar Animal Large 4
Bearded DevilRPTok Devil Outsider Medium 5
BebilithRPTok Demon Outsider Huge 10
BehirRPTok Behir Magical Beast Huge 8
BeholderRPTok Beholder Aberration Large 13
BelkerRPTok Belker Elemental Large 6
BisonRPTok Bison Animal Large 2
Adult Black DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Large 11
Ancient Black DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 19
Great wyrm Black DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Gargantuan 22
Juvenile Black DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Medium 7
Mature adult Black DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 14
Old Black DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 16
Very old Black DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 18
Very young Black DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Small 4
Wyrm Black DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Gargantuan 20
Wyrmling Black DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Tiny 3
Young Black DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Medium 5
Young adult Black DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Large 9
Black PuddingRPTok Ooze Ooze Huge 7
Elder Black PuddingRPTok Ooze Ooze Gargantuan 12
7th-Level Fighter/3rd-Level BlackguardRPTok Death Knight Undead Medium 13
Blade GuardianRPTok Guardian Familiars Construct Medium 6
BladelingRPTok Bladeling Outsider Medium 1
Blink DogRPTok Blink Dog Magical Beast Medium 2
Blood ApeRPTok Blood Ape Magical Beast Large 6
Adult Blue DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 14
Ancient Blue DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Gargantuan 21
Great wyrm Blue DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Gargantuan 25
Juvenile Blue DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Large 8
Mature adult Blue DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 16
Old Blue DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 18
Very old Blue DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 19
Very young Blue DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Medium 4
Wyrm Blue DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Gargantuan 23
Wyrmling Blue DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Small 3
Young Blue DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Medium 6
Young adult Blue DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Large 11
Blue SlaadRPTok Slaad Outsider Large 8
1st-Level Psion (Telepath) BlueRPTok Blue Humanoid Small 1
BoarRPTok Boar Animal Medium 2
Dire BoarRPTok Dire Animal Animal Large 4
BodakRPTok Bodak Undead Medium 8
BoggleRPTok Boggle Monstrous Humanoid Small 3
BogunRPTok Bogun Construct Tiny 1
Bone DevilRPTok Devil Outsider Large 9
Bone NagaRPTok Bone Naga Undead Large 11
Bone OozeRPTok Bone Ooze Ooze Gargantuan 21
BrachyurusRPTok Brachyurus Magical Beast Large 23
Brain MoleRPTok Brain Mole Magical Beast Tiny 1/2
BralaniRPTok Bralani Outsider Medium 6
Adult Brass DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Large 12
Ancient Brass DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 20
Great wyrm Brass DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Gargantuan 23
Juvenile Brass DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Medium 8
Mature adult Brass DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 15
Old Brass DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 17
Very old Brass DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 19
Very young Brass DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Small 4
Wyrm Brass DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Gargantuan 21
Wyrmling Brass DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Tiny 3
Young Brass DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Medium 6
Young adult Brass DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Large 10
Brass GolemRPTok Golem Construct Large 10
BraxatRPTok Braxat Monstrous Humanoid Large 9
BreathdrinkerRPTok Breathdrinker Elemental Medium 7
Adult Bronze DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 15
Ancient Bronze DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Gargantuan 22
Great wyrm Bronze DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Gargantuan 25
Juvenile Bronze DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Large 9
Mature adult Bronze DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 17
Old Bronze DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 19
Very old Bronze DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 20
Very young Bronze DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Medium 5
Wyrm Bronze DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Gargantuan 23
Wyrmling Bronze DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Small 3
Young Bronze DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Medium 7
Young adult Bronze DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Large 12
Bronze SerpentRPTok Bronze Serpent Construct Huge 10
BugbearRPTok Bugbear Humanoid Medium 2
Bugbear ZombieRPTok Zombie Undead Medium 2
BuletteRPTok Bulette Magical Beast Huge 7
Cachalot WhaleRPTok Whale Animal Gargantuan 7
Caller in DarknessRPTok Caller in Darkness Undead Large 9
CamelRPTok Camel Animal Large 1
Captured Bugbear/Common RaggamoffynRPTok Captured One Construct Medium 4
Carrion CrawlerRPTok Carrion Crawler Aberration Large 4
CatRPTok Cat Animal Tiny 1/4
CatoblepasRPTok Catoblepas Aberration Huge 6
7th-Level Cleric Celestial ChargerRPTok Unicorn Magical Beast Large 13
CentaurRPTok Centaur Monstrous Humanoid Large 3
Centipede SwarmRPTok Swarm Vermin Diminutive 4
CerebrilithRPTok Cerebrilith Outsider Large 10
CervidalRPTok Celestial Outsider Medium 3
Chain DevilRPTok Devil Outsider Medium 6
Chain GolemRPTok Chain Golem Construct Medium 5
1st-Level Warrior ChaondRPTok Planetouched Warrior Medium 1
Chaos BeastRPTok Chaos Beast Outsider Medium 7
Chaos RocRPTok Chaos Roc Magical Beast Colossal 22
CheetahRPTok Cheetah Animal Medium 2
ChichimecRPTok Abomination Outsider Medium 21
ChimeraRPTok Chimera Magical Beast Large 7
Chimera SkeletonRPTok Skeleton Undead Large 4
Chimeric AnkhegRPTok Chimeric Creature Magical Beast Large 9
ChokerRPTok Choker Aberration Small 2
ChuulRPTok Chuul Aberration Large 7
Clay GolemRPTok Golem Construct Large 10
Clay Half-GolemRPTok Half-Golem Construct Medium 4
Cloaked ApeRPTok Cloaked Ape Magical Beast Medium 2
CloakerRPTok Cloaker Aberration Large 5
Cloud GiantRPTok Giant Giant Huge 11
Cloud Giant SkeletonRPTok Skeleton Undead Huge 7
Cloud RayRPTok Cloud Ray Magical Beast Colossal 16
CockatriceRPTok Cockatrice Magical Beast Small 3
Common RaggamoffynRPTok Raggamoffyn Construct Medium 3
Constrictor SnakeRPTok Snake Animal Medium 2
Giant Constrictor SnakeRPTok Snake Animal Huge 5
Adult Copper DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Large 14
Ancient Copper DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 22
Great wyrm Copper DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Gargantuan 25
Juvenile Copper DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Medium 9
Mature adult Copper DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 16
Old Copper DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 19
Very old Copper DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 20
Very young Copper DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Small 5
Wyrm Copper DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Gargantuan 23
Wyrmling Copper DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Tiny 3
Young Copper DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Medium 7
Young adult Copper DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Large 11
CorollaxRPTok Corollax Magical Beast Tiny 1/2
Corpse GathererRPTok Corpse Gatherer Undead Gargantuan 19
Corpse TearerRPTok Linnorm Dragon Gargantuan 28
CouatlRPTok Couatl Outsider Large 10
Psionic CouatlRPTok Couatl, Psionic Outsider Large 10
Crested FelldrakeRPTok Felldrake Dragon Small 1
Crimson DeathRPTok Crimson Death Undead Medium 11
CriosphinxRPTok Sphinx Magical Beast Large 7
CrocodileRPTok Crocodile Animal Medium 2
Giant CrocodileRPTok Crocodile, Giant Animal Huge 4
CryptoclidusRPTok Dinosaur Animal Large 3
CrysmalRPTok Crysmal Elemental Small 3
Adult Crystal DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Huge 13
Ancient Crystal DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Gargantuan 21
Great wyrm Crystal DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Gargantuan 24
Juvenile Crystal DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Large 8
Mature adult Crystal DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Huge 16
Old Crystal DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Huge 18
Very old Crystal DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Huge 19
Very young Crystal DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Medium 4
Wyrm Crystal DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Gargantuan 22
Wyrmling Crystal DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Small 3
Young Crystal DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Medium 5
Young adult Crystal DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Large 11
Dark NagaRPTok Naga Aberration Large 8
DarkmantleRPTok Darkmantle Magical Beast Small 1
DarktentaclesRPTok Darktentacles Aberration Large 7
Death SlaadRPTok Slaad Outsider Medium 13
DeathbringerRPTok Deathbringer Undead Large 17
DeinonychusRPTok Dinosaur Animal Large 3
DelverRPTok Delver Aberration Huge 9
DemilichRPTok Demilich Undead Diminutive 29
DerroRPTok Derro Monstrous Humanoid Small 3
DesmoduRPTok Desmodu Monstrous Humanoid Large 9
DestrachanRPTok Destrachan Aberration Large 8
Devastation BeetleRPTok Devastation Vermin Vermin Colossal 50
Devastation CentipedeRPTok Devastation Vermin Vermin Colossal 39
Devastation ScorpionRPTok Devastation Vermin Vermin Colossal 42
Devastation SpiderRPTok Devastation Vermin Vermin Colossal 41
DevourerRPTok Devourer Undead Large 11
DigesterRPTok Digester Magical Beast Medium 6
Displacer BeastRPTok Displacer Beast Magical Beast Large 4
Displacer Beast Pack LordRPTok Displacer Beast Magical Beast Huge 12
DjinniRPTok Genie Outsider Large 5 (noble 8)
DogRPTok Dog Animal Small 1/3
Riding DogRPTok Dog, Riding Animal Medium 1
DonkeyRPTok Donkey Animal Medium 1/6
DoppelgangerRPTok Doppelganger Monstrous Humanoid Medium 3
Dragon TurtleRPTok Dragon Turtle Dragon Huge 9
Dragonflesh GolemRPTok Golem Construct Large 13
DragonneRPTok Dragonne Magical Beast Large 7
Dread GuardRPTok Dread Guard Construct Medium 3
Dread LinnormRPTok Linnorm Dragon Colossal 25
Dread WraithRPTok Wraith Undead Large 11
Dream LarvaRPTok Abomination Outsider Large 31
DretchRPTok Demon Outsider Small 2
DriderRPTok Drider Aberration Large 7
1st-Level Warrior DromiteRPTok Dromite Monstrous Humanoid Small 1/2
1st-Level Warrior DrowRPTok Elf Humanoid Medium 1 (see text)
DryadRPTok Dryad Fey Medium 3
1st-Level Warrior DuergarRPTok Dwarf Humanoid Medium 1
Dune StalkerRPTok Dune Stalker Outsider Medium 9
Dust TwisterRPTok Dust Twister Elemental Medium 3
1st-Level Warrior DwarfRPTok Dwarf Humanoid Medium 1
EagleRPTok Eagle Animal Small 1/2
Behemoth EagleRPTok Behemoth Outsider Colossal 18
Giant EagleRPTok Eagle, Giant Magical Beast Large 3
Legendary EagleRPTok Legendary Animals Animal Small 6
Elder Earth ElementalRPTok Elemental Elemental Huge 11
Greater Earth ElementalRPTok Elemental Elemental Huge 9
Huge Earth ElementalRPTok Elemental Elemental Huge 7
Large Earth ElementalRPTok Elemental Elemental Large 5
Medium Earth ElementalRPTok Elemental Elemental Medium 3
Primal Earth ElementalRPTok Elemental, Primal Elemental Colossal 35
Small Earth ElementalRPTok Elemental Elemental Small 1
Tiny Earth ElementalRPTok Tiny Elemental Elemental Tiny 1/2
Earth WeirdRPTok Elemental Weird Elemental Large 12
EffigyRPTok Effigy Undead Medium 17
EfreetiRPTok Genie Outsider Large 8
1st-Level Warrior ElanRPTok Elan Aberration Medium 1/2
ElasmosaurusRPTok Dinosaur Animal Huge 7
Electrum HorrorRPTok Clockwork Horror Construct Small 4
Blood ElementalRPTok Blood Elemental Outsider Medium 6
ElephantRPTok Elephant Animal Huge 7
Dire ElephantRPTok Dire Animal Animal Gargantuan 10
1st-Level Warrior ElfRPTok Elf Humanoid Medium 1/2
Dire ElkRPTok Dire Animal Animal Huge 7
Adult Emerald DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Huge 15
Ancient Emerald DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Gargantuan 22
Great wyrm Emerald DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Gargantuan 25
Juvenile Emerald DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Large 9
Mature adult Emerald DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Huge 17
Old Emerald DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Huge 19
Very old Emerald DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Huge 20
Very young Emerald DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Medium 5
Wyrm Emerald DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Gargantuan 23
Wyrmling Emerald DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Small 3
Young Emerald DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Medium 7
Young adult Emerald DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Large 12
ErinyesRPTok Devil Outsider Medium 8
Ether ScarabRPTok Ether Scarab Outsider Tiny 1
Ethereal DoppelgangerRPTok Ethereal Doppelganger Monstrous Humanoid Medium 15
Ethereal FilcherRPTok Ethereal Filcher Aberration Medium 3
Ethereal MarauderRPTok Ethereal Marauder Magical Beast Medium 3
Ethereal SlayerRPTok Ethereal Slayer Outsider Medium 12
EttercapRPTok Ettercap Aberration Medium 3
EttinRPTok Ettin Giant Large 6
Ettin SkeletonRPTok Skeleton Undead Large 5
Famine SpiritRPTok Famine Spirit Undead Medium 19
FiendwurmRPTok Fiendwurm Magical Beast Gargantuan 28
FihyrRPTok Fihyr Aberration Small 3
Great FihyrRPTok Fihyr Aberration Medium 15
FirbolgRPTok Firbolg Giant Large 12
Fire BatRPTok Fire Bat Elemental Small 3
Elder Fire ElementalRPTok Elemental Elemental Huge 11
Greater Fire ElementalRPTok Elemental Elemental Huge 9
Huge Fire ElementalRPTok Elemental Elemental Huge 7
Large Fire ElementalRPTok Elemental Elemental Large 5
Medium Fire ElementalRPTok Elemental Elemental Medium 3
Primal Fire ElementalRPTok Elemental, Primal Elemental Colossal 35
Small Fire ElementalRPTok Elemental Elemental Small 1
Tiny Fire ElementalRPTok Tiny Elemental Elemental Tiny 1/2
Fire GiantRPTok Giant Giant Large 10
Fire WeirdRPTok Elemental Weird Elemental Large 12
Flesh ColossusRPTok Colossus Construct Colossal 27
Flesh GolemRPTok Golem Construct Large 7
Flesh Half-GolemRPTok Half-Golem Construct Medium 4
Flesh JellyRPTok Flesh Jelly Ooze Gargantuan 19
FolugubRPTok Folugub Aberration Medium 2
FomorianRPTok Fomorian Giant Huge 11
Adult Force DragonRPTok Dragon, Epic Dragon Gargantuan 31
Ancient Force DragonRPTok Dragon, Epic Dragon Colossal 43
Great wyrm Force DragonRPTok Dragon, Epic Dragon Colossal+ 59
Juvenile Force DragonRPTok Dragon, Epic Dragon Gargantuan 25
Mature adult Force DragonRPTok Dragon, Epic Dragon Colossal 35
Old Force DragonRPTok Dragon, Epic Dragon Colossal 37
Very old Force DragonRPTok Dragon, Epic Dragon Colossal 39
Very young Force DragonRPTok Dragon, Epic Dragon Huge 19
Wyrm Force DragonRPTok Dragon, Epic Dragon Colossal+ 50
Wyrmling Force DragonRPTok Dragon, Epic Dragon Huge 13
Young Force DragonRPTok Dragon, Epic Dragon Gargantuan 21
Young adult Force DragonRPTok Dragon, Epic Dragon Gargantuan 28
Forest GiantRPTok Giant Giant Huge 11
Forest SlothRPTok Forest Sloth Animal Large 11
Formian MyrmarchRPTok Formian Outsider Large 10
Formian QueenRPTok Formian Outsider Large 17
Formian TaskmasterRPTok Formian Outsider Medium 7
Formian WarriorRPTok Formian Outsider Medium 3
Formian WorkerRPTok Formian Outsider Small 1/2
Frost GiantRPTok Giant Giant Large 9
8th-Level Blackguard Frost Giant JarlRPTok Giant Giant Large 17
Frost SalamanderRPTok Frost Salamander Magical Beast Medium 7
Frost WormRPTok Frost Worm Magical Beast Huge 12
Galeb DuhrRPTok Galeb Duhr Elemental Medium 9
GambolRPTok Gambol Magical Beast Large 5
GargoyleRPTok Gargoyle Monstrous Humanoid Medium 4
Gauntlet GuardianRPTok Guardian Familiars Construct Small 4
GauthRPTok Beholder Aberration Medium 6
Gelatinous CubeRPTok Ooze Ooze Huge 3
Genius LociRPTok Genius Loci Ooze Colossal 30
GhaeleRPTok Ghaele Outsider Medium 13
GhastRPTok Ghoul Undead Medium 3
GhoulRPTok Ghoul Undead Medium 1
Queen Giant AntRPTok Giant Ant Vermin Large 2
Soldier Giant AntRPTok Giant Ant Vermin Medium 2
Worker Giant AntRPTok Giant Ant Vermin Medium 1
Giant BeeRPTok Giant Bee Vermin Medium 1
Giant Bombardier BeetleRPTok Giant Bombardier Beetle Vermin Medium 2
Giant Fire BeetleRPTok Giant Fire Beetle Vermin Small 1/3
Giant Praying MantisRPTok Giant Praying Mantis Vermin Large 3
Giant PsurlonRPTok Psurlon Aberration Large 15
Giant Stag BeetleRPTok Giant Stag Beetle Vermin Large 4
Giant WaspRPTok Giant Wasp Vermin Large 3
Gibbering MoutherRPTok Gibbering Mouther Aberration Medium 5
Gibbering OrbRPTok Gibbering Orb Aberration Huge 27
GirallonRPTok Girallon Magical Beast Large 6
GlabrezuRPTok Demon Outsider Huge 13
GlimmerskinRPTok Glimmerskin Outsider Medium 8
GloomRPTok Gloom Monstrous Humanoid Medium 25
GnollRPTok Gnoll Humanoid Medium 1
1st-Level Warrior GnomeRPTok Gnome Humanoid Small 1/2
1st-Level Warrior GoblinRPTok Goblin Humanoid Small 1/3
Adult Gold DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 16
Ancient Gold DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Gargantuan 24
Great wyrm Gold DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Colossal 27
Juvenile Gold DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Large 11
Mature adult Gold DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 19
Old Gold DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Gargantuan 21
Very old Gold DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Gargantuan 22
Very young Gold DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Large 7
Wyrm Gold DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Colossal 25
Wyrmling Gold DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Medium 5
Young Gold DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Large 9
Young adult Gold DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 14
Gold HorrorRPTok Clockwork Horror Construct Small 5
Golden Protector (Celestial Half-Dragon Lammasu)RPTok Lammasu Dragon Large 13
GorgonRPTok Gorgon Magical Beast Large 8
Behemoth GorillaRPTok Behemoth Outsider Huge 19
GravecrawlerRPTok Gravecrawler Undead Small 16
GravorgRPTok Gravorg Magical Beast Large 8
Gray GluttonRPTok Gray Glutton Magical Beast Huge 7
Gray LinnormRPTok Linnorm Dragon Huge 20
Gray OozeRPTok Ooze Ooze Medium 4
Gray RenderRPTok Gray Render Magical Beast Large 8
Gray Render ZombieRPTok Zombie Undead Large 6
Gray SlaadRPTok Slaad Outsider Medium 10
Adult Green DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 13
Ancient Green DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Gargantuan 21
Great wyrm Green DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Gargantuan 24
Juvenile Green DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Large 8
Mature adult Green DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 16
Old Green DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 18
Very old Green DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 19
Very young Green DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Medium 4
Wyrm Green DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Gargantuan 22
Wyrmling Green DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Small 3
Young Green DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Medium 5
Young adult Green DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Large 11
Green HagRPTok Hag Monstrous Humanoid Medium 5
Green SlaadRPTok Slaad Outsider Large 9
GreenviseRPTok Greenvise Plant Huge 10
GrellRPTok Grell Aberration Medium 3
GrickRPTok Grick Aberration Medium 3
GriffonRPTok Griffon Magical Beast Large 4
GrigRPTok Sprite Fey Tiny 1
GrimalkinRPTok Grimalkin Magical Beast Medium 2
GrimlockRPTok Grimlock Monstrous Humanoid Medium 1
Grizzly MastodonRPTok Grizzly Mastodon Animal Huge 13
Guard BatRPTok Desmodu Bat Animal Large 3
Guardian NagaRPTok Naga Aberration Large 10
GuttersnipeRPTok Raggamoffyn Construct Medium 5
GynosphinxRPTok Sphinx Magical Beast Large 8
Ha-NagaRPTok Ha-Naga Aberration Colossal 22
HagunemnonRPTok Hagunemnon Aberration Large 29
Durzagon Half-FiendRPTok Half-Fiend, Durzagon Outsider Medium 4
1st-Level Warrior Half-GiantRPTok Half-Giant Giant Medium 1
1st-Level Warrior HalflingRPTok Halfling Humanoid Small 1/2
HammererRPTok Automaton Construct Medium 4
HarpyRPTok Harpy Monstrous Humanoid Medium 4
7th-Level Fighter Harpy ArcherRPTok Harpy Monstrous Humanoid Medium 11
HawkRPTok Hawk Animal Tiny 1/3
Dire HawkRPTok Dire Animal Animal Medium 2
HecatoncheiresRPTok Abomination Outsider Huge 57
HellcatRPTok Devil Outsider Large 7
Hellfire WyrmRPTok Hellfire Wyrm Dragon Huge 26
HellhoundRPTok Hell Hound Outsider Medium 3
Hellwasp SwarmRPTok Swarm Magical Beast Diminutive 8
HezrouRPTok Demon Outsider Large 11
HieracosphinxRPTok Sphinx Magical Beast Large 5
Hill GiantRPTok Giant Giant Large 7
Hill Giant Dire Wereboar Dire Boar FormRPTok Lycanthrope Giant Large 11
Hill Giant Dire Wereboar Giant FormRPTok Lycanthrope Giant Large 11
Hill Giant Dire Wereboar Hybrid Boar FormRPTok Lycanthrope Giant Large 11
HippogriffRPTok Hippogriff Magical Beast Large 2
Hoary HunterRPTok Hoary Hunter Fey Medium 25
Hoary SteedRPTok Hoary Hunter Magical Beast Large 9
1st-Level Warrior HobgoblinRPTok Hobgoblin Humanoid Medium 1/2
HomunculusRPTok Homunculus Construct Tiny 1
Hook HorrorRPTok Hook Horror Aberration Large 6
Horned DevilRPTok Devil Outsider Large 16
Horned FelldrakeRPTok Felldrake Dragon Medium 3
Dire HorseRPTok Dire Animal Animal Large 4
Heavy HorseRPTok Horse Animal Large 1
Legendary HorseRPTok Legendary Animals Animal Large 8
Light HorseRPTok Horse Animal Large 1
Hound ArchonRPTok Archon Outsider Medium 4
11th-Level Paladin Hound Archon HeroRPTok Archon Outsider Medium 16
HowlerRPTok Howler Outsider Large 3
Human Commoner ZombieRPTok Zombie Undead Medium 1/2
Human Warrior SkeletonRPTok Skeleton Undead Medium 1/3
HuneferRPTok Hunefer Undead Medium 25
Hunting BatRPTok Desmodu Bat Animal Medium 3
Five-Headed HydraRPTok Hydra Magical Beast Huge 4 (normal); 6 (pyro- or cryo-)
Six-Headed HydraRPTok Hydra Magical Beast Huge 5 (normal); 7 (pyro- or cryo-)
Seven-Headed HydraRPTok Hydra Magical Beast Huge 6 (normal); 8 (pyro- or cryo-)
Eight-Headed HydraRPTok Hydra Magical Beast Huge 7 (normal); 9 (pyro- or cryo-)
Nine-Headed HydraRPTok Hydra Magical Beast Huge 8 (normal); 10 (pyro- or cryo-)
Ten-Headed HydraRPTok Hydra Magical Beast Huge 9 (normal); 11 (pyro- or cryo-)
Eleven-Headed HydraRPTok Hydra Magical Beast Huge 10 (normal); 12 (pyro- or cryo-)
Twelve-Headed HydraRPTok Hydra Magical Beast Huge 11 (normal); 13 (pyro- or cryo-)
HyenaRPTok Hyena Animal Medium 1
Ice DevilRPTok Devil Outsider Large 13
ImmothRPTok Immoth Elemental Large 9
ImpRPTok Devil Outsider Tiny 2
InfernalRPTok Abomination Outsider Large 26
Intellect DevourerRPTok Intellect Devourer Aberration Small 7
Invisible StalkerRPTok Invisible Stalker Elemental Large 7
Iron ColossusRPTok Colossus Construct Colossal 33
Iron GolemRPTok Golem Construct Large 13
Iron Half-GolemRPTok Half-Golem Construct Medium 4
Average IxitxachitlRPTok Ixitxachitl Aberration Small 1
Vampiric IxitxachitlRPTok Ixitxachitl Aberration Small 3
JahiRPTok Jahi Undead Tiny 16
JanniRPTok Genie Outsider Medium 4
JarilithRPTok Demon Outsider Large 13
JermlaineRPTok Jermlaine Fey Tiny 1/2
JovocRPTok Demon Outsider Small 5
JuggernautRPTok Juggernaut Construct Huge 11
JulajimusRPTok Julajimus Aberration Huge 12
KakkuuRPTok Kakkuu Outsider Medium 6
KelvezuRPTok Demon Outsider Medium 18
Kobold ZombieRPTok Zombie Undead Small 1/2
1st-Level Warrior KoboldRPTok Kobold Humanoid Small 1/4
KopruRPTok Kopru Monstrous Humanoid Medium 6
KrakenRPTok Kraken Magical Beast Gargantuan 12
KrensharRPTok Krenshar Magical Beast Medium 1
Kuo-ToaRPTok Kuo-Toa Monstrous Humanoid Medium 2
LamiaRPTok Lamia Magical Beast Large 6
LammasuRPTok Lammasu Magical Beast Large 8
Lantern ArchonRPTok Archon Outsider Small 2
LavawightRPTok Lavawight Undead Medium 23
LeechwalkerRPTok Leechwalker Vermin Medium 10
LeonalRPTok Leonal Outsider Medium 12
LeopardRPTok Leopard Animal Medium 2
LeshayRPTok Leshay Fey Medium 28
LeviathanRPTok Leviathan Magical Beast Colossal 25
LillendRPTok Lillend Outsider Large 7
LionRPTok Lion Animal Large 3
Dire LionRPTok Dire Animal Animal Large 5
Living VaultRPTok Living Vault Construct Colossal 33
LizardRPTok Lizard Animal Tiny 1/6
Monitor LizardRPTok Lizard, Monitor Animal Medium 2
LizardfolkRPTok Lizardfolk Humanoid Medium 1
LocathahRPTok Locathah Humanoid Medium 1/2
Locust SwarmRPTok Swarm Vermin Diminutive 3
LoxoRPTok Loxo Monstrous Humanoid Large 2
LupinalRPTok Celestial Outsider Medium 5
LycosidilithRPTok Lycosidilith Outsider Large 13
1st-Level Warrior MaenadRPTok Maenad Humanoid Medium 1/2
MagminRPTok Magmin Elemental Small 3
MalebrancheRPTok Devil Outsider Huge 9
Manta RayRPTok Manta Ray Animal Large 1
ManticoreRPTok Manticore Magical Beast Large 5
MarilithRPTok Demon Outsider Large 17
MarraenolothRPTok Yugoloth Outsider Medium 10
MarrashRPTok Marrash Outsider Medium 5
MarutRPTok Inevitable Construct Large 15
MedusaRPTok Medusa Monstrous Humanoid Medium 7
MeenlockRPTok Meenlock Aberration Tiny 3
MegalodonRPTok Megalodon Animal Gargantuan 11
MegapedeRPTok Megapede Vermin Colossal 20
MegaraptorRPTok Dinosaur Animal Huge 6
Air MephitRPTok Mephit Outsider Small 3
Dust MephitRPTok Mephit Outsider Small 3
Earth MephitRPTok Mephit Outsider Small 3
Fire MephitRPTok Mephit Outsider Small 3
Ice MephitRPTok Mephit Outsider Small 3
Magma MephitRPTok Mephit Outsider Small 3
Ooze MephitRPTok Mephit Outsider Small 3
Salt MephitRPTok Mephit Outsider Small 3
Steam MephitRPTok Mephit Outsider Small 3
Water MephitRPTok Mephit Outsider Small 3
MercaneRPTok Mercane Outsider Large 5
1st-Level Warrior MerfolkRPTok Merfolk Humanoid Medium 1/2
MimicRPTok Mimic Aberration Large 4
Mind FlayerRPTok Mind Flayer Aberration Medium 8
Mind Flayer 9th-Level SorcererRPTok Mind Flayer Aberration Medium 17
MinotaurRPTok Minotaur Monstrous Humanoid Large 4
Minotaur of LegendRPTok Monster of Legend Outsider Large 6
Minotaur ZombieRPTok Zombie Undead Large 4
Mithral GolemRPTok Golem Construct Huge 21
MohrgRPTok Mohrg Undead Medium 8
MonkeyRPTok Monkey Animal Tiny 1/6
Colossal Monstrous CentipedeRPTok Monstrous Centipede Vermin Colossal 9
Gargantuan Monstrous CentipedeRPTok Monstrous Centipede Vermin Gargantuan 6
Huge Monstrous CentipedeRPTok Monstrous Centipede Vermin Huge 2
Large Monstrous CentipedeRPTok Monstrous Centipede Vermin Large 1
Medium Monstrous CentipedeRPTok Monstrous Centipede Vermin Medium 1/2
Small Monstrous CentipedeRPTok Monstrous Centipede Vermin Small 1/4
Tiny Monstrous CentipedeRPTok Monstrous Centipede Vermin Tiny 1/8
Colossal Monstrous ScorpionRPTok Monstrous Scorpion Vermin Colossal 12
Gargantuan Monstrous ScorpionRPTok Monstrous Scorpion Vermin Gargantuan 10
Huge Monstrous ScorpionRPTok Monstrous Scorpion Vermin Huge 7
Large Monstrous ScorpionRPTok Monstrous Scorpion Vermin Large 3
Medium Monstrous ScorpionRPTok Monstrous Scorpion Vermin Medium 1
Small Monstrous ScorpionRPTok Monstrous Scorpion Vermin Small 1/2
Tiny Monstrous ScorpionRPTok Monstrous Scorpion Vermin Tiny 1/4
Colossal Monstrous SpiderRPTok Monstrous Spider Vermin Colossal 11
Gargantuan Monstrous SpiderRPTok Monstrous Spider Vermin Gargantuan 8
Huge Monstrous SpiderRPTok Monstrous Spider Vermin Huge 5
Large Monstrous SpiderRPTok Monstrous Spider Vermin Large 2
Medium Monstrous SpiderRPTok Monstrous Spider Vermin Medium 1
Small Monstrous SpiderRPTok Monstrous Spider Vermin Small 1/2
Tiny Monstrous SpiderRPTok Monstrous Spider Vermin Tiny 1/4
MoonbeastRPTok Moonbeast Aberration Huge 16
MooncalfRPTok Mooncalf Magical Beast Large 10
MoonratRPTok Moonrat Magical Beast Tiny 1/4
MorkothRPTok Morkoth Aberration Medium 5
Mountain GiantRPTok Giant Giant Colossal 26
Mu SporeRPTok Mu Spore Plant Colossal 21
MudmawRPTok Mudmaw Magical Beast Large 7
MuleRPTok Mule Animal Large 1
MummyRPTok Mummy Undead Medium 5
10th-Level Cleric Mummy LordRPTok Mummy Undead Medium 15
Myconid Average WorkerRPTok Myconid Plant Small 1
Myconid Circle LeaderRPTok Myconid Plant Large 6
Myconid Elder WorkerRPTok Myconid Plant Medium 2
Myconid GuardRPTok Myconid Plant Medium 4
Myconid Junior WorkerRPTok Myconid Plant Tiny 1/2
Myconid SovereignRPTok Myconid Plant Large 7
NalfeshneeRPTok Demon Outsider Huge 14
NeedlefolkRPTok Needlefolk Plant Medium 2
Neh-ThalgguRPTok Neh-Thalggu Aberration Huge 26
Neogi SpawnRPTok Neogi Aberration Tiny 1/4
Adult NeogiRPTok Neogi Aberration Small 4
Great Old Master NeogiRPTok Neogi Vermin Huge 6
NeothelidRPTok Neothelid Aberration Gargantuan 15
Nessian WarhoundRPTok Hell Hound Outsider Large 9
Nethersight MastiffRPTok Nethersight Mastiff Magical Beast Large 8
Night HagRPTok Night Hag Outsider Medium 9
NightcrawlerRPTok Nightshade Undead Gargantuan 18
NightmareRPTok Nightmare Outsider Large 5
Nightmare BeastRPTok Nightmare Beast Magical Beast Huge 15
Cauchemar NightmareRPTok Nightmare Outsider Huge 11
NightwalkerRPTok Nightshade Undead Huge 16
NightwingRPTok Nightshade Undead Huge 14
NimblewrightRPTok Nimblewright Construct Medium 7
NixieRPTok Sprite Fey Small 1
NymphRPTok Nymph Fey Medium 7
Ocean GiantRPTok Giant Giant Huge 19
Ocean StriderRPTok Ocean Strider Fey Huge 18
Ochre JellyRPTok Ooze Ooze Large 5
OctopusRPTok Octopus Animal Small 1
Giant OctopusRPTok Octopus, Giant Animal Large 8
OgreRPTok Ogre Giant Large 3
Ogre MageRPTok Ogre Mage Giant Large 8
Ogre ZombieRPTok Zombie Undead Large 3
4th-Level Barbarian OgreRPTok Ogre Giant Large 7
1st-Level Warrior OrcRPTok Orc Humanoid Medium 1/2
OrcaRPTok Whale Animal Huge 5
OrcwortRPTok Orcwort Plant Colossal 20
OrmyrrRPTok Ormyrr Monstrous Humanoid Huge 6
OtyughRPTok Otyugh Aberration Large 4
OwlRPTok Owl Animal Tiny 1/4
Giant OwlRPTok Owl, Giant Magical Beast Large 3
OwlbearRPTok Owlbear Magical Beast Large 4
Owlbear SkeletonRPTok Skeleton Undead Large 2
PalretheeRPTok Demon Outsider Medium 8
PegasusRPTok Pegasus Magical Beast Large 3
PhaethonRPTok Abomination Outsider Gargantuan 34
PhaneRPTok Abomination Outsider Large 25
Phantom FungusRPTok Phantom Fungus Plant Medium 3
Phase SpiderRPTok Phase Spider Magical Beast Large 5
Phase WaspRPTok Phase Wasp Magical Beast Tiny 2
PhasmRPTok Phasm Aberration Medium 7
PhisarazuRPTok Phisarazu Outsider Medium 12
PhoenixRPTok Phoenix Magical Beast Large 24
PhthisicRPTok Phthisic Monstrous Humanoid Large 6
Pit FiendRPTok Devil Outsider Large 20
PixieRPTok Sprite Fey Small 4 (5 with irresistible dance)
Platinum HorrorRPTok Clockwork Horror Construct Small 7
PonyRPTok Pony Animal Medium 1/4
War PonyRPTok Pony, War Animal Medium 1/2
PorpoiseRPTok Porpoise Animal Medium 1/2
PrismasaurusRPTok Prismasaurus Magical Beast Huge 28
Adult Prismatic DragonRPTok Dragon, Epic Dragon Colossal 39
Ancient Prismatic DragonRPTok Dragon, Epic Dragon Colossal+ 57
Great wyrm Prismatic DragonRPTok Dragon, Epic Dragon Colossal+ 66
Juvenile Prismatic DragonRPTok Dragon, Epic Dragon Gargantuan 30
Mature adult Prismatic DragonRPTok Dragon, Epic Dragon Colossal 43
Old Prismatic DragonRPTok Dragon, Epic Dragon Colossal 48
Very old Prismatic DragonRPTok Dragon, Epic Dragon Colossal 52
Very young Prismatic DragonRPTok Dragon, Epic Dragon Huge 16
Wyrm Prismatic DragonRPTok Dragon, Epic Dragon Colossal+ 61
Wyrmling Prismatic DragonRPTok Dragon, Epic Dragon Huge 14
Young Prismatic DragonRPTok Dragon, Epic Dragon Gargantuan 22
Young adult Prismatic DragonRPTok Dragon, Epic Dragon Gargantuan 34
PseudodragonRPTok Pseudodragon Dragon Tiny 1
Pseudonatural TrollRPTok Pseudonatural Troll Outsider Large 21
PsicrystalRPTok Psicrystal Construct Diminutive Included with master
Psion-KillerRPTok Psion-Killer Construct Large 12
Elder PsurlonRPTok Psurlon Aberration Medium 9
PulverizerRPTok Automaton Construct Medium 4
PuppeteerRPTok Puppeteer Magical Beast Fine 1
Flesh Harrower PuppeteerRPTok Puppeteer Magical Beast Small 2
Purple WormRPTok Purple Worm Magical Beast Gargantuan 12
QuasitRPTok Demon Outsider Tiny 2
Queen of ChaosRPTok Queen of Chaos Outsider Huge 24
QuetzalcoatlusRPTok Dinosaur Animal Huge 8
RagewindRPTok Ragewind Undead Large 19
RaklupisRPTok Raklupis Outsider Large 15
RakshasaRPTok Rakshasa Outsider Medium 10
RampagerRPTok Rampager Magical Beast Large 12
RastRPTok Rast Outsider Medium 5
RatRPTok Rat Animal Tiny 1/8
Rat SwarmRPTok Swarm Animal Tiny 2
Dire RatRPTok Dire Animal Animal Small 1/3
RavenRPTok Raven Animal Tiny 1/6
RavidRPTok Ravid Outsider Medium 5
Razor BoarRPTok Razor Boar Magical Beast Large 10
Reason StealerRPTok Reason Stealer Ooze Medium 5
Adult Red DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 15
Ancient Red DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Gargantuan 23
Great wyrm Red DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Colossal 26
Juvenile Red DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Large 10
Mature adult Red DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 18
Old Red DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Gargantuan 20
Very old Red DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Gargantuan 21
Very young Red DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Large 5
Wyrm Red DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Gargantuan 24
Wyrmling Red DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Medium 4
Young Red DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Large 7
Young adult Red DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 13
Red SlaadRPTok Slaad Outsider Large 7
Red SundewRPTok Red Sundew Plant Huge 13
RemorhazRPTok Remorhaz Magical Beast Huge 7
RetrieverRPTok Demon Construct Huge 11
RhinocerosRPTok Rhinoceros Animal Large 4
RocRPTok Roc Animal Gargantuan 9
Rogue EidolonRPTok Rogue Eidolon Construct Large 9
RoperRPTok Roper Magical Beast Large 12
Ruin SwarmRPTok Ruin Swarm Vermin Tiny 23
RukarazyllRPTok Rukarazyll Outsider Large 14
Runic GuardianRPTok Runic Guardian Construct Large 10
Rust MonsterRPTok Rust Monster Aberration Medium 3
SahuaginRPTok Sahuagin Monstrous Humanoid Medium 2
Average SalamanderRPTok Salamander Outsider Medium 6
Flamebrother SalamanderRPTok Salamander Outsider Small 3
Noble SalamanderRPTok Salamander Outsider Large 10
Adult Sapphire DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Large 14
Ancient Sapphire DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Huge 22
Great wyrm Sapphire DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Gargantuan 25
Juvenile Sapphire DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Medium 9
Mature adult Sapphire DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Huge 16
Old Sapphire DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Huge 19
Very old Sapphire DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Huge 20
Very young Sapphire DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Small 5
Wyrm Sapphire DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Gargantuan 23
Wyrmling Sapphire DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Tiny 3
Young Sapphire DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Medium 7
Young adult Sapphire DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Large 11
SatyrRPTok Satyr Fey Medium 2 (without pipes) or 4 (with pipes)
ScorpionfolkRPTok Scorpionfolk Monstrous Humanoid Large 7
Sea CatRPTok Sea Cat Magical Beast Large 4
Sea HagRPTok Hag Monstrous Humanoid Medium 4
SeismosaurusRPTok Dinosaur Animal Colossal 12
ShadowRPTok Shadow Undead Medium 3
Shadow MastiffRPTok Shadow Mastiff Outsider Medium 5
Shadow of the VoidRPTok Shadow of the Void Undead Large 26
Shadow SpiderRPTok Shadow Spider Magical Beast Huge 12
Greater ShadowRPTok Shadow Undead Medium 8
Shambling MoundRPTok Shambling Mound Plant Large 6
Shape of FireRPTok Shape of Fire Undead Large 26
Dire SharkRPTok Dire Animal Animal Huge 9
Huge SharkRPTok Shark Animal Huge 4
Large SharkRPTok Shark Animal Large 2
Legendary SharkRPTok Legendary Animals Animal Huge 10
Medium SharkRPTok Shark Animal Medium 1
Shield GuardianRPTok Shield Guardian Construct Large 8
Shocker LizardRPTok Shocker Lizard Magical Beast Small 2
ShrapnylRPTok Raggamoffyn Construct Large 7
ShriekerRPTok Fungus Plant Medium 1
Adult Silver DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 15
Ancient Silver DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Gargantuan 23
Great wyrm Silver DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Colossal 26
Juvenile Silver DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Large 10
Mature adult Silver DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 18
Old Silver DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 20
Very old Silver DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 21
Very young Silver DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Medium 5
Wyrm Silver DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Gargantuan 24
Wyrmling Silver DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Small 4
Young Silver DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Medium 7
Young adult Silver DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Large 13
SirineRPTok Sirine Fey Medium 5
SirrushRPTok Sirrush Magical Beast Large 24
Three-Headed SirrushRPTok Sirrush Magical Beast Large 28
Advanced Megaraptor SkeletonRPTok Skeleton Undead Huge 6
SkumRPTok Skum Aberration Medium 2
Dire SnakeRPTok Dire Animal Animal Huge 5
Huge Viper SnakeRPTok Snake Animal Huge 3
Large Viper SnakeRPTok Snake Animal Large 2
Legendary SnakeRPTok Legendary Animals Animal Large 8
Medium Viper SnakeRPTok Snake Animal Medium 1
Small Viper SnakeRPTok Snake Animal Small 1/2
Tiny Viper SnakeRPTok Snake Animal Tiny 1/3
Spark GuardianRPTok Guardian Familiars Construct Tiny 3
Spawn of KyussRPTok Spawn of Kyuss Undead Medium 5
SpectreRPTok Spectre Undead Medium 7
Spell WeaverRPTok Spell Weaver Monstrous Humanoid Medium 10
SpellgauntRPTok Spellgaunt Magical Beast Large 12
Spellstitched GhastRPTok Spellstitched Undead Medium 4
Spider EaterRPTok Spider Eater Magical Beast Large 5
Spider SwarmRPTok Swarm Vermin Diminutive 1
SpinosaurusRPTok Dinosaur Animal Gargantuan 13
Spirit NagaRPTok Naga Aberration Large 9
Spirit of the LandRPTok Spirit of the Land Fey Huge 23
SpithrikuRPTok Spithriku Outsider Medium 10
Spitting FelldrakeRPTok Felldrake Dragon Medium 2
SquidRPTok Squid Animal Medium 1
Giant SquidRPTok Squid, Giant Animal Huge 9
Stained Glass GolemRPTok Golem Construct Medium 5
StirgeRPTok Stirge Magical Beast Tiny 1/2
Stone ColossusRPTok Colossus Construct Colossal 24
Stone GiantRPTok Giant Giant Large 8 (elder 9)
Stone GolemRPTok Golem Construct Large 11
Greater Stone GolemRPTok Golem Construct Huge 16
Stone Half-GolemRPTok Half-Golem Construct Medium 4
Stone SpikeRPTok Stone Spike Elemental Medium 2
Storm GiantRPTok Giant Giant Huge 13
SuccubusRPTok Demon Outsider Medium 7
Sun GiantRPTok Giant Giant Huge 12
1st-Level Warrior SvirfneblinRPTok Gnome Humanoid Small 1
Swamplight LynxRPTok Swamplight Lynx Magical Beast Large 7
SylphRPTok Sylph Outsider Small 5
TarrasqueRPTok Tarrasque Magical Beast Colossal 20
TatterdemanimalRPTok Raggamoffyn Construct Small 1
Tauric Hobgoblin-GriffonRPTok Tauric Monstrous Humanoid Large 5
TayellahRPTok Tayellah Magical Beast Gargantuan 24
TempestRPTok Tempest Elemental Gargantuan 16
Temporal FilcherRPTok Temporal Filcher Aberration Large 3
TendriculosRPTok Tendriculos Plant Huge 6
TeratomorphRPTok Teratomorph Ooze Gargantuan 16
ThoqquaRPTok Thoqqua Elemental Medium 2
ThorciasidRPTok Thorciasid Aberration Medium 22
Thought EaterRPTok Thought Eater Aberration Small 2
Thought SlayerRPTok Thought Slayer Aberration Huge 13
Thri-KreenRPTok Thri-Kreen Monstrous Humanoid Medium 1
1st-Level Warrior TieflingRPTok Planetouched Outsider Medium 1/2
TigerRPTok Tiger Animal Large 4
Dire TigerRPTok Dire Animal Animal Large 8
Legendary TigerRPTok Legendary Animal Animal Large 10
Legendary TigerRPTok Legendary Animals Animal Large 10
TitanRPTok Titan Outsider Huge 21
Elder TitanRPTok Titan, Elder Outsider Colossal 30
Titanic ToadRPTok Titanic Animal Gargantuan 13
ToadRPTok Toad Animal Diminutive 1/10
Dire ToadRPTok Dire Animal Animal Medium 3
Adult TojanidaRPTok Tojanida Outsider Medium 5
Elder TojanidaRPTok Tojanida Outsider Large 9
Juvenile TojanidaRPTok Tojanida Outsider Small 3
Adult Topaz DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Huge 15
Ancient Topaz DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Gargantuan 23
Great wyrm Topaz DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Colossal 26
Juvenile Topaz DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Large 10
Mature adult Topaz DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Huge 18
Old Topaz DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Huge 20
Very old Topaz DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Huge 21
Very young Topaz DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Medium 5
Wyrm Topaz DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Gargantuan 24
Wyrmling Topaz DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Small 4
Young Topaz DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Medium 7
Young adult Topaz DragonRPTok Dragon, Gem Dragon Large 13
TreantRPTok Treant Plant Huge 8
Elder TreantRPTok Treant, Elder Plant Colossal 25
TriceratopsRPTok Dinosaur Animal Huge 9
TritonRPTok Triton Outsider Medium 2
TroglodyteRPTok Troglodyte Humanoid Medium 1
Troglodyte ZombieRPTok Zombie Undead Medium 1
TrollRPTok Troll Giant Large 5
6th-Level Ranger Troll HunterRPTok Troll Giant Large 11
Troll SkeletonRPTok Skeleton Undead Large 3
Trumpet ArchonRPTok Archon Outsider Medium 14
Twig BlightRPTok Twig Blight Plant Small 1/3
TyrannosaurusRPTok Dinosaur Animal Huge 8
UdorootRPTok Udoroot Plant Huge 5
Umber HulkRPTok Umber Hulk Aberration Large 7
Truly Horrid Umber HulkRPTok Umber Hulk Aberration Huge 14
Umbral BlotRPTok Umbral Blot Construct Medium 32
UnbodiedRPTok Unbodied Monstrous Humanoid Medium 5
UnicornRPTok Unicorn Magical Beast Large 3
UvuudaumRPTok Uvuudaum Outsider Large 27
Vampire SpawnRPTok Vampire Undead Medium 4
VaporighuRPTok Vaporighu Outsider Medium 9
VargouilleRPTok Vargouille Outsider Small 2
VermiurgeRPTok Vermiurge Aberration Large 24
Violet FungusRPTok Fungus Plant Medium 3
VrockRPTok Demon Outsider Large 9
War BatRPTok Desmodu Bat Animal Huge 5
Warbeast RhinocerosRPTok Warbeast Animal Large 5
Heavy WarhorseRPTok Horse Animal Large 2
Light WarhorseRPTok Horse Animal Large 1
Elder Water ElementalRPTok Elemental Elemental Huge 11
Greater Water ElementalRPTok Elemental Elemental Huge 9
Huge Water ElementalRPTok Elemental Elemental Huge 7
Large Water ElementalRPTok Elemental Elemental Large 5
Medium Water ElementalRPTok Elemental Elemental Medium 3
Primal Water ElementalRPTok Elemental, Primal Elemental Colossal 35
Small Water ElementalRPTok Elemental Elemental Small 1
Tiny Water ElementalRPTok Tiny Elemental Elemental Tiny 1/2
Water NagaRPTok Naga Aberration Large 7
Water WeirdRPTok Elemental Weird Elemental Large 12
WeaselRPTok Weasel Animal Tiny 1/4
Dire WeaselRPTok Dire Animal Animal Medium 2
Bear Form WerebearRPTok Lycanthrope Humanoid Large 5
Human Form WerebearRPTok Lycanthrope Humanoid Medium 5
Hybrid Form WerebearRPTok Lycanthrope Humanoid Large 5
Boar Form WereboarRPTok Lycanthrope Humanoid Medium 4
Human Form WereboarRPTok Lycanthrope Humanoid Medium 4
Hybrid Form WereboarRPTok Lycanthrope Humanoid Medium 4
Dire Rat Form WereratRPTok Lycanthrope Humanoid Small 2
Human Form WereratRPTok Lycanthrope Humanoid Medium 2
Hybrid Form WereratRPTok Lycanthrope Humanoid Medium 2
Human Form WeretigerRPTok Lycanthrope Humanoid Medium 5
Hybrid Form WeretigerRPTok Lycanthrope Humanoid Large 5
Tiger Form WeretigerRPTok Lycanthrope Humanoid Large 5
Dire Wolf Form Werewolf LordRPTok Lycanthrope Humanoid Large 14
Human Form Werewolf LordRPTok Lycanthrope Humanoid Medium 14
Hybrid Form Werewolf LordRPTok Lycanthrope Humanoid Large 14
Human Form WerewolfRPTok Lycanthrope Humanoid Medium 3
Hybrid Form WerewolfRPTok Lycanthrope Humanoid Medium 3
Wolf Form WerewolfRPTok Lycanthrope Humanoid Medium 3
Adult White DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Large 10
Ancient White DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 18
Great wyrm White DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Gargantuan 21
Juvenile White DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Medium 6
Mature adult White DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 12
Old White DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 15
Very old White DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Huge 17
Very young White DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Small 3
Wyrm White DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Gargantuan 19
Wyrmling White DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Tiny 2
Young White DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Medium 4
Young adult White DragonRPTok Dragon, True Dragon Large 8
WightRPTok Wight Undead Medium 3
Will-O'-WispRPTok Will-O'-Wisp Aberration Small 6
WindghostRPTok Windghost Aberration Huge 15
Winter WolfRPTok Winter Wolf Magical Beast Large 5
WinterwightRPTok Winterwight Undead Medium 23
WolfRPTok Wolf Animal Medium 1
Wolf SkeletonRPTok Skeleton Undead Medium 1
Dire WolfRPTok Dire Animal Animal Large 3
Legendary WolfRPTok Legendary Animals Animal Medium 7
WolverineRPTok Wolverine Animal Medium 2
Dire WolverineRPTok Dire Animal Animal Large 4
WorgRPTok Worg Magical Beast Medium 2
Worm that WalksRPTok Worm that Walks Aberration Medium 26
WortlingRPTok Orcwort Plant Small 3
WraithRPTok Wraith Undead Medium 5
WysteRPTok Wyste Aberration Huge 5
WyvernRPTok Wyvern Dragon Large 6
Wyvern ZombieRPTok Zombie Undead Large 4
1st-Level Warrior XephRPTok Xeph Humanoid Medium 1/2
XillRPTok Xill Outsider Medium 6
XixecalRPTok Abomination Outsider Colossal 36
Average XornRPTok Xorn Outsider Medium 6
Elder XornRPTok Xorn Outsider Large 8
Minor XornRPTok Xorn Outsider Small 3
YagnolothRPTok Yugoloth Outsider Large 10
Yak FolkRPTok Yak Folk Monstrous Humanoid Large 4
Yeth HoundRPTok Yeth Hound Outsider Medium 3
Young Adult Red Dragon SkeletonRPTok Skeleton Undead Huge 8
YrthakRPTok Yrthak Magical Beast Huge 9
Yuan-Ti AbominationRPTok Yuan-Ti Monstrous Humanoid Large 7
Yuan-Ti HalfbloodRPTok Yuan-Ti Monstrous Humanoid Medium 5
Yuan-Ti PurebloodRPTok Yuan-Ti Monstrous Humanoid Medium 3
ZelekhutRPTok Inevitable Construct Large 9
1st-Level Warrior ZenythriRPTok Planetouched Warrior Medium 1
ZovvutRPTok Demon Outsider Medium 9